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Everything posted by Wallywood

  1. Also I want to thank BaneOfSorrows for my awesome editing
  2. Infinite ammo is going to most primary weapons, things like EMP Mines, Toxin Grenades, and C4s will be limited.
  3. An unexpected problem happened and We've been forced to push back the Pod Cast to sometime mid week. Feel free to drop as many questions as you want til then.
  4. Get those questions in guys were going to be doing the pod cast in a few hours
  5. You can not growl under it....There is no crawl in this engine.
  6. We're not going to be doing open testing until the first RC is out to the public. Then when/if we have to make a patch we might have open testing at that point.
  7. Well ICE going with your logic, then Soviets should get Tanya as well. Since in the 1st Red Alert she was their commando.
  8. lol, cant wait to answer that one lol
  9. We'll I'm not going to ban you. I understand you've made your mistakes and thats fine. But If you read some of the ideas I'm already putting in, I think its fair to say that Reborn is already heading to a new style of game play. And I really hope you keep making maps. I actually like a lot of them and hope to see them on servers.
  10. I will say there is no way in hell that the Reborn Infantry beta was better then APB's or the server for the inf. beta wouldn't have been shut down due to inactivity. I am indeed changing reborn away the Renegade feel.But with all the changes being made it should feel like its own style of game. And your basing this off of ......what. I think this is more of a anti BHP Reborn thing then anything else. But I really think your going to be surprised on how it turns out. Thanks, but with your other posts you've already written me off to fail. But let me clear this up for you. Just because Reborn is now in the same hands as APB workers doesn't mean its going to play like it at all. Also Blackwolf I figured that was you, and TBH I'm actually very glad your still around . Listen up for our pod cast on the next blog there was a question regarding you and I think your going to be very surprised at the out come of the answer. Also your basing this off of a game that was failing fast and was being rushed out the door. And as for you referring to me as some "fan boy" New flash bud, We're all fan boys or none of us would be here. None of us are getting paid for this work so we're all here on our on free will.
  11. First of all its very easy to criticize anything, and in most cases I understand. Everyone wants to be the next "Yahtzee" but at least play the game before you start judging it. Your basing your opinion off of a roster that hasn't been seen before. The Infantry beta had tons of under used units that people would buy just because they were bored, a lot of them were very over shadowed.The way we're doing this line each unit will have its own special use. Even more so with the promotion system that were putting in that grant special ability s . The fact alone that there will be no more snipers will make the Infantry units more powerful, why buy a slow cyborg if it could just get one shoted well now we won't have that issue.You call it "stripping away assets" I call it "Trimming the fat."
  12. Yes we will be put the a recording of the pod cast up on the blog for download
  13. ICE the model is fine. You can't get under it. Also not going to change a perfectly fine model because of your 1% that isn't pleased about something.
  14. Last week we talked a little bit about the roster, and this week we will be talking about the weapons each unit will receive. Now, nothing is set in stone but this is the basic idea of what you can expect from our infantry units. GDI Light Infantry (Free) *Rifle Technician (Free) *Wrist repair tool *Pistol Engineer *Wrist repair tool *Pistol [Model not Ready] *Briefcase Disk thrower *Explosive Disk Medic *Medpack (Medic also heals poison) *Uzi Jump Jet *Rifle (AA Secondary fire) *Binoculars Umagon *Scoped Auto-Rifle *Vehicle C4 Officer *Chain gun *Binoculars Ghost Stalker *Rail Gun * 1 Super C4 Riot trooper *Shot gun *EMP Mines Anti. Air Trooper *Anti Air Rocket launcher *Pistol NOD Light Infantry (Free) *Rifle Technician (Free) *Wrist repair tool *Pistol Engineer *Wrist repair tool *Pistol [Model not Ready] *Briefcase Rocket Infantry *Rocket launcher (A.A. secondary fire) Chameleon Spy *Knives *Pistol *Binoculars *Decoy remote mines Mutant Hijacker *Crowbar *Tech 9 Uzi Confessor *Plasma Gun Cyborg *Chain gun *Rocket arm Cyborg Commando *Plasma arm Elite Cadre *Machine gun/Grenade launcher *Binoculars Toxin Trooper *Toxin Auto rifle *Toxin Grenade (Hi-poly & Low-poly) Dtrngd while modeling our really cool toxin grenade decided to have a little fun and made a Toxin Drink cup :laugh2: I also mentioned that Tiberian Sun Reborn will have a unique promotion system. Now as some of you may know, Apocalypse Rising already has a promotion system, but we’ve decided to make ours a little different. The idea behind ours is when you get the first promotion to Veteran [][], you’ll be given an armor upgrade or resistance to an effect like splash damage, fire, poison, etc. When you get the second promotion to Elite *, you’ll get a weapon upgrade or a special ability like faster reloads, better ammo, or health regen. This list is still being played with but here’s an example: Riot Trooper 1st promotion - Poison Resistant 2nd Promotion - Incendiary Ammo We're also thinking about implementing a rank retention system. If you’ve earned a rank, there may be a way to retain that ranking by spending a little extra cash. This will reset each round, of course. One_Winged_Angel was awesome enough to model the rank icons that will pop up as you are promoted for us: As for the rest of the team: Darkangel is modeling up an awesome Nod tech center. Renardin is a little under the weather, but he’s texturing the engineer briefcases and the new toxin trooper for us. Spice is working away at the GDI service depot you all saw in last week’s blog. Guy with a Wrench is redoing a bunch of the civilian buildings. Teamwolf has been tracking down old assets and maps for us to fix up. And lastly, I've been planning out our first build, tracking down assets, re doing tons of sounds and all around handling management after the big move.
  15. Guys keep those questions coming ...Sunday is coming up
  16. There wasn't one in TS or FS so probably not. Why do that when we already have one being made. Besides I already made a temp place holder. ICE relax a bit and let us drive this ship.
  17. It's okay alot of people are...we're doing a live pod cast at the end of this week, I'll go over the details there.
  18. As much as I wish, the hacking thing isn't a capture thing :-/ It's more or less to knock the building offline.
  19. I will address the Hacking stealing buildings things on the pod cast ...but no you won't be able to capture the others teams stuff.
  20. 2012 is actually a release of scripts 4.0. I don't think TT will release it in 2 months. Dukat this is not a reply thread. Questions only
  21. Well were still working out the details of exact what time we will be holding the answers, right now I'm thinking 8 pm GMT -5. So keep those questions rolling
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