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Found 7 results

  1. Hello everyone! We’re happy to announce that we’re pushing out patch 1.6 today. We’re sorry for the late notice, but this should hopefully make the event a little better compared to what’s currently in 1.5. Below you’ll find the changes that we’ve made, and should be available on the launcher soon! GENERAL -TSR 2.0 Menu and Intro Movie backported from 2.0 -Rocket warhead effectiveness VS flying vehicles increased to 1 (was 0.8) -"Unit Ready" announcement no longer plays twice Infantry -Veterancy purged from all infantry units, effectively removing it from the game -Third person camera adjusted to be smoother -Minor lighting adjustments -Cyborgs and Enforcers can now drive vehicles -Umagon anti-vehicle C4 and Toxin Trooper Toxin Grenades removed -Umagon and Toxin Trooper projectile gravity increased to 0.5 (from 0) GDI -Disc Thrower secondary fire removed -Disc Thrower Gravity changed to 0.5 (from 2.250) -Disc Thrower Projectile velocity increased to 60 (was 40) -Disc Thrower range reduced to 100 (was 180) -Riot Trooper moved up on the purchase list -Riot Trooper Price reduced to 400 (from 700) -Shotgun Slug ammo cost reduced to 1 (from 2) -EMP mines removed from Riot Trooper -Umagon rifle is no longer burst fire -Umagon damage up to 33 (from 11) -Umagon magazine size set to 8 (from 18) -JumpJet armor reduced to 0 (from 40) NOD -Elite Cadre Grenade Launcher now has unlimited ammo -Cyborgs now have their arm cannon by default -Toxin Trooper damage up to 30 (from 10) -Toxin Soldier magazine size set to 10 (from 30) -Confessor Rifle damage boosted to 18 (from 14) -Cyborg Commando speed increased to 6 (from 5.5) -Cyborg Commando now has a flamethrower secondary fire Vehicles GDI -Wolverine Targeting Range increased to 85 (was 75) -Wolverine MaxEngineTorque increased to 5000 (was 4750) -Hover MRLS secondary fire removed -Disruptor Health/Armor increased to 500/500 (was 450/450) -Disruptor now uses Heavy armor (was Medium) -Juggernaut Splash Radius increased to 15 (was 12.5) -ORCA Fighter range increased to 120 (was 90) -ORCA Bomber Splash Radius increased to 30 (was 15) -ORCA Bomber Splash Damage increased to 130 (was 120) -Carryall texture updated NOD -Attack Cycle model & physics updated to handle far better, making for a smoother experience -Tick Tank now uses the same emitter when deployed and undeployed -MRV now has a repair beam -MRV range increased to 12 (was 6) -Cyborg Reaper damage increased to 40 (was 35) -Cyborg Reaper web removed -Harpy damage down to 6 (was 8 ) Buildings -Vulcan Cannon damage reduced to 6 (from 8 ) -RPG Turret damage reduced to 70 (from 80) -RPG Turret now uses Rocket warhead, making it more effective against vehicles, but less effective against infantry Levels General Ion Storms have been removed from most levels. TS_Crossroads - Finally added the missing Gas Station and Local Store to the middle - New Outposts have been added near each Faction's base in the middle - Civilian buildings have been added near the GDI base - The crashed Banshee has been moved closer to the shore and a small car park is now in it's place - Some texture updates - Fixed an area where you could go out of bounds - GDI Base defenses no longer float TS_Drought - Added a Civilian living area to the GDI side - Added a small industrial area to the Nod side - Various objects have been placed over the map for better infantry combat cover - Other small changes and additions TS_GrandCanyon - The Tiberium Sludge is no longer broken TS_Isles - New back amphibious routes to the Nod base TS_Shallows - GDI base defenses no longer float TS_Snow - New vehicles have been added leading into the side of each base - New vehicle routes have been added along with tunnels leading into each base - Some missing objects have been re-added - Mutants and the Mammoth Tank have been removed from the middle area - Crates will no longer float
  2. Join in for a TSR Game Night this Friday the 5th! This game night is brought to you by our friends from C&C Series! For our Russian-speaking friends, they will be hosting chat on their server. Для русскоязычных игроков общение будет на сервере C&C Series: https://discord.gg/WEyfWzB
  3. You maybe believe it, but I cannot. Roland JD-990 and JV-2080 that I bought are the dream of my arsenal of sounds. After Red Alert remakes, this is probably the best of my works. If there will be possibility to remake some of Tiberian Sun tracks... who knows! P.S.: Interesting fact, and I know it from Frank himself: some names of instruments were chosen as titles for songs for Red Alert OST. As I discovered, "Terminate" is a soundscape instrument included with standard soundbank of JV-series, from which that song starts. And so on.
  4. Voe and I were talking about trying to organize an APB clan war type of thing with anyone interested. Some high level play with teamspeak and everything.The problem is that we don't have the playerbase to support two high-end clans facing it off properly without one overpowering the other by sheer pro-player-snatch-up. To counter that we're going to try and make a community-wide roster and put everyone in teams prior to a match depending on game experience so the team skillsets are somewhat evened out. Anyone who applies to participate cannot expect for their entire clan to be placed on one side, it all depends on how many skilled players we have to put in game. We'll need somewhat evened out teams. We can handle this by having two very experienced W3D Hub staff members picking team members prior to the begining of a PUG (Pick-Up-Game) match on teamspeak. You don't have to have a microphone to participate (but it would greatly boost the quality of the game if you did!), but you do need to be able to listen in and follow directions if a strategy is being put in motion in game. Anyone who wants to join up and apply to play in PUG matches can just leave a reply here. We're trying to see how many people we can scrape up to play in organized matches. Ideally on a weekend for this first test. Anyone can play as long as you cooperate, don't go against a chosen team leader's game tactic and don't team hamper or break any server rules. We also need people interested in moderating and helping organize the thing, just keeping track of people and helping set up teams prior to a match on teamspeak. (moderators feel free to edit and add or remove people from the roster) POSSIBLE PLAYER ROSTER:
  5. Soooooo, long time no see, hope you'r all doing well Anyway, I was digging around on my old PC the other day when I came across an old copy of W3D TSR complete with a (semi) intact version of the modified textures pack I made way back when. For prosperity sake I thought, "aha didn't W3D hub now have a downloads section, possibly some of the people over their might like it, for nostalgia's sake" and decided to rip it and prep it for download... however after checking it (and finding it all still works despite being an older version of the textures) I also discovered that I had some of the other old mods people did back then as well. Namely: - The Blue Tiberium infused flame for the DT. - The altered weapon sounds (not sure what the actual mod was called... classic TS weapons or something?) - The classic TS purchase icons. SO (I seem to be using that a lot this post) My question(s) is/are this: 1) Can anyone remember who made those mods? 2) Do people want them uploading again (as part of the pack) 3) If said Mod creators are still around , is it alright to upload them? (If you give me names, I'll credit them in the description) 4) If said Mod creators are long gone, what is W3D's stance on uploading anyway and crediting the original author assuming I can find said authors name (seems a shame to lose/deny them to players) I can remove them from the upload if it causes issues, although it will probably take awhile
  6. I have returned from summer cottage. With this. Absolutely new song for the fans of Tiberian Sun. Something like psychedelic ambient with groovebox drum machine effects. Vacation was totally worth it.
  7. Greetings! We are currently in the early stages of implementing a new launcher feature which will allow players to automatically download, install and update their favourite game modifications and are looking for community submissions to form the basis of our opening day library of mods. Initially we are only accepting submissions for Tiberian Sun: Reborn modifications which meet the following criteria; Must be compatible with the official TSR game server Must NOT exist soely to provide an advantage over other players Must only contain files which go into the data folder for the game May contain textures May contain sounds / music May contain strings.tdb (ie: a language pack) Must NOT contain ini files Must NOT contain mix/pkg files Must NOT contain model replacements (new models that don't replace any existing model is OK) To submit a mod for consideration, please provide the following; A zip archive containing all the data files used by your mod A name and description for your mod A screenshot showcasing your mod Optionally you can provide a version number, if you choose not to we will label it as version 1.0. Version numbers must be numeric and consist of between 2 and 4 numeric parts. Only the content creator can submit content and all submitted content will remain the property of the creator. The content creator will be clearly credited in the mods browser and will have the ability to update their mod in future via a web based interface. If you have any questions about this process, please feel free to ask
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