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Blog 22- Patching you in

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Rebalanced basic and upgraded Cadre rifle (slightly less dps, higher accuracy)

Damage: 9 -> 9 11 -> 9.5

Range: 75 -> 75 80 -> 80

Velocity: 350 -> 340 380 -> 370

RoF: 10 -> 9 11.5 -> 10

Spray: 0.5 -> 0.35 0.4 -> 0.3

DPS: 90 -> 81 126.5 -> 95


Rebalanced basic and upgraded Officer minigun (More dps & range, less accuracy)

Damage: 9 -> 8 10.5 -> 9

Range: 75 -> 85 85 -> 95

Velocity: 350 -> 380 380 -> 390

RoF: 10 -> 12 12 -> 13

Spray: 0.5 -> 1.1 0.5 -> 0.9

DPS: 90 -> 96 126 -> 117

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Nice to see a new patch but a few notes:


-Apparently the Cyborg Commando is broken, it seems it's unable to restore to full health via refill

-Nod Rocket Soldier supposedly broken, I have no idea on what's wrong but a few people ingame says so, so I'll leave that for them to elaborate.

-Nod Light Infantry rifle position has changed... is this a cosmetic change or does it mean something that I'm unaware of?

-Blockers removed in the tunnels on TS_Field, does this mean Wolverines and Reapers are allowed in?


I'm going to be honest, the new Cyborg Reaper changes is just... Normally I would wait for a while but I did a few tests ingame and I am certain that the Reaper has effectively, if indirectly, nerfed. The new web whilst I am sure is WIP it barely functions at all. I'll bullet point my case.


  • The web itself doesn't always root an enemy down, half the time it actually disappears
  • Longer range does not benefit it at all because the web will never deploy at such a range
  • You can no longer arc/guide your shot so you pretty much have to get up close, which just isn't possible** additionally terrain is now a problem when launching the web
  • The removed animation from when the web deploys makes it harder to determine whether you have sucessfully rooted an enemy or not
  • Web timer feels shorter(?) not sure on this since it's hard to tell due to the aforementioned reasons
  • It seems the Reaper is subject to a huge bullet vulnerability**

**I did a test ingame and the result is quite troublesome. A Riot Trooper was able to take me down to almost half health from medium-long range from just two shots on a small hill. I could not retaliate due to the problematic web. A Jumpjet destroyed me in about 3 or 4 clips, I can't remember the exact values but I'll gladly retest this as soon as I can but I am certain there's a problem. Also, Umagons can now damage Reapers again, luckily the damage is minimal but my point is that it feels like I should be afraid of infantry from now on.


I'm not sure why it was changed (at least the web) in the first place? I feel that the old was just perfect as it was.

Edited by Kai
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Nice to see a new patch but a few notes:


-Apparently the Cyborg Commando is broken, it seems it's unable to restore to full health via refill

-Nod Rocket Soldier supposedly broken, I have no idea on what's wrong but a few people ingame says so, so I'll leave that for them to elaborate.

-Nod Light Infantry rifle position has changed... is this a cosmetic change or does it mean something that I'm unaware of?



Hero units are unable to refill atm - this most likely gets fixed in next quick fix patch

Nod Rocket Soldier lost his ability to damage infantry via splash as per OP and you cannot do the neat remote head shots anymore either - I suggest he gets a sidearm or something to balance this. I got issues with countering infantry - couldn't do a jack squad damage against them.


Tiber.mix map is not updated on clients or server, it kicks people out.


Reaper definitely needs some more love - maybe it will take a couple of patches to get it right again. Seems like every balance change either makes it OP or completely bad.

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The Ghost Stalker/ Cyborg Commando refill issue will be fixed


Some people are complaining about the Rocket Soldier's now lack of splash. But that was intended.


TS_Field didn't have blockers in the last patch....But this is a to-do item


Cyborg Reaper will have a few adjustments soon


Tiber map is going to be removed until we figure out why its blocking everyone.


Great feedback so far guys keep it up :)

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The GDI Officer, when promoted to veteran rank, loses its AA launcher, leaving only its minigun and binocs.


When promoted to elite, it gets its AA launcher back, but it shares the same weapon icon as the minigun (in the same weapon slot, too).

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Tiber map is going to be removed until we figure out why its blocking everyone.


I guess the server is still using the old version, where EMP mines arent placable, while everyone, who installed the latest patch have the TS_tiber mapversion with the EMP mine fix. So versionmismatch occures.

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The hero units not refilling is a deliberate change to make them more fragile and try to kill them off more often so other players get a chance to use them instead of one player hogging it the entire game. You can still heal in tiberium though.

Water blockers on under are a waffles special I'm afraid lol. Seems every time we export all the various terrains at least one ends up with borked blockers somewhere.

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Question, are pistols able to kill reapers?


If so, I think that I know what's going on...

Yep it does.


Looks like the change also accidentally broke his armor class.


Fun fact, I've reported this during a test months ago. xD
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Question, are pistols able to kill reapers?


If so, I think that I know what's going on...


Yep it does.


Looks like the change also accidentally broke his armor class.


To allow him to heal in tiberium we had to make him use the same armour type as a normal cyborg. As I recall his total health and armour were increased to compensate.

Also, as a side note, the new web does have a bit of a drop to it and we didn't make any changes to the visible web holding people down, that's always been a bit hit or miss whether it renders properly on the fds.


Tiber map is going to be removed until we figure out why its blocking everyone.


I guess the server is still using the old version, where EMP mines arent placable, while everyone, who installed the latest patch have the TS_tiber mapversion with the EMP mine fix. So versionmismatch occures.


I included the most recent version you sent me in this patch and put it on both the clients and the server. I suspect the server has a duplicate in ttfs or something which is interfering.

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new web does have a bit of a drop to it



There is? Everytime I launch it, it goes it a straight line, there is no arc/curve to it anymore. Unless I'm mis-reading you and doing it wrong...



we didn't make any changes to the visible web holding people down

Oh sorry my mistake, I meant the actual deployment animation, where it spreads upon landing, not the actual webbing itself. I know that the visual web has always been a bit wonky, my bad. :gonk:



To allow him to heal in tiberium we had to make him use the same armour type as a normal cyborg.

Unfortunately its this change that makes it kind of worthless, the unit gains a nice ability but in turn suffers from a huge vulnerability. Can the vulnerability be fixed? Having said that... I wonder if MRVs are unable to repair it because if I recall during an earlier version this issue popped up when Umagons were allowed to shoot at them.

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new web does have a bit of a drop to it

There is? Everytime I launch it, it goes it a straight line, there is no arc/curve to it anymore. Unless I'm mis-reading you and doing it wrong...


It's only very slight, we were looking at ways to make the web easier to use compared to "aim in the sky and pray it lands on something". It's also harder to dodge out the way of this new setup. Either way, it is, as noted in the release notes, experimental and we're open to ideas / feedback to improve it or even just change it back if people don't like it at all.



we didn't make any changes to the visible web holding people down

Oh sorry my mistake, I meant the actual deployment animation, where it spreads upon landing, not the actual webbing itself. I know that the visual web has always been a bit wonky, my bad. :gonk:


Yeah, that visible spread didn't make much sense, especially since it's not an AoE effect anymore, you actually have to hit your target to web them, but they have a bit of projectile extension (I believe anyway) and a spread of 3 or 4 to make it easier to do this.



To allow him to heal in tiberium we had to make him use the same armour type as a normal cyborg.

Unfortunately its this change that makes it kind of worthless, the unit gains a nice ability but in turn suffers from a huge vulnerability. Can the vulnerability be fixed? Having said that... I wonder if MRVs are unable to repair it because if I recall during an earlier version this issue popped up when Umagons were allowed to shoot at them.


When we do the big armor.ini overhaul we'll look into giving it an armour class of its own, right now it always shares something elses class which either means healing in tiberium and being a bit more squishy or not being able to heal in tiberium. Wally was actually in favour of more squishyness for reapers so it's something we'll be keeping an eye on.

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Reapers are just way too squishy now. I don't mind them being "a bit more squishy", but this is too much.

And since refills were removed for commandos, GS now has a great advantage over CC, since he can get a medic. A CC that's on defense in his own base is pretty much helpless.

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And since refills were removed for commandos, GS now has a great advantage over CC, since he can get a medic. A CC that's on defense in his own base is pretty much helpless.


Yeah thats not fair. Besides that its not fun to look up a tiberium patch and hang arround there for 5 min until the CC is healed.


Here is a better solution: Devide the armor and health bar to 50% each. For example the GS has 150 points armor and 150 points health and the CC has 300 points armor and 300 points health. Maybe its possible to script that the medic and PTs is only able to refill the health bar so the hero units only get 50% of there overall health back.

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