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[GAME OVER] RA:APB-themed Mafia Game V (Big Fireworks Edition)


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(Or did they? Find out in the debriefing! Something is about to get blown up!!!)

Game Winners:

Chaos_Knight, the Soviet Missile Silo, is victorious!

Jeod, the Major Vladimir Kosygin (Mystery V), is victorious!

OrangeP47, the Soviet Engineer, is victorious!

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Can someone please look for an example of previous games where team that lost the chances of winning is automaticly considered lost and not given one more chance? If i knew he would get a free refill id airstrike you this very night.

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4 minutes ago, Alstar said:

Can someone please look for an example of previous games where team that lost the chances of winning is automaticly considered lost and not given one more chance? If i knew he would get a free refill id airstrike you this very night.

Um, steins;gate is my example. Hidden rules allowed members to break into the lab and use it even after I kicked out everyone.

And I thought Scum's goal was to destroy the silos, not disable them? Even if it was to disable them, it wasn't their main goal which was to equal or outnumber town, right? Maybe I'm wrong.

Edit: I misread that, I thought you were asking for an example where they were given another chance.

Edited by TheIrishman
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          :soviet: DAY 6 - Game End

Congratulations, comrades! You were able to find the Allies in time, just in time before our BIG LAUNCH!

Wait what's that? Allies managed to sabotage our last remaining Missile Silo with the help of Major Vladimir Kosygin ?

Nonsense! Our top rocket scientist, Chaos Knight, has assured us, that his silo facility is working as planned (He specifically said: "There's nothing a little hit with a hammer won't fix, trust me, I'm an engineer!")

Let's launch our first Atomic Bomb and show the Allies the true might of the Soviet war-machine!


Not only our efforts ended up in "big fireworks", Allies now know what our atomic bombs can do. Fortunately, a Soviet truck convoy carrying nuclear weapon components from Gorzów Airbase (yes the one which was destroyed a year ago by an unfortunate disaster) is still intact and we must protect it. This will be the mission that will put this ever lasting dispute in order!

(to be continued - a chat game on the W3D Teamspeak  will be scheduled in mid August - stay tuned)

[Game Over] 

Soviets have managed to stop the Allies in time by discovering them, but failed with the soviet nuclear program.

Allies have successfully prevented an atomic strike in Europe, but were too clumsy revealing their position to Soviets!

Jeod, the Major Vladimir Kosygin (Mystery V), is victorious!

I'm also rewarding the best players of the game:

Category 5 - best efforts trying to scum-hunt during D1 and almost catching up first scum in game.

TheIrishman - luring Allies to a trap, also guessed 2 3rds of scum team correctly.

Allied players - Not bad for the first APB mafia scum role, almost flawless victory.

Jeod - pretty lucky with the cop shot, eh?


Quote of the game:


   :soviet: Player Roles & Game Information

Player Role Infos:

(click for large)

Don't forget to check out the DOCS, as there is more information to the game, as well as some of the funny moments!


   :soviet: Game Log

(click for large)


   :soviet: Game Balance & Comments


As mentioned before, the game was designed to last within 7 days max, with the help of secondary win condition. I'm saying "secondary", but it was probably more important than the standard victory condition this time around.


Missile Silo were interesting addition, making the buildings actually "fear" of being discovered, not the other way around as we were used to previous games, where buildings were basically taunting the team in order not to get different player lynched instead. To make the game even shorter, all players had power roles with interesting mechanics.


Let's take a look at the units you guys have picked or designed to play this game:



Chopbam picked Flamethrower to be one of the option roles for this game. It was suppose to be the Soviet's vigilante role, as one of the counters to the Allied building or perhaps even to kill Jeod if required. Usually we don't have this role in game too often as it's really unpredictable to the game-play, and yea Chopbam almost killed the game with it by thinking of night-killing OrangeP47


Killing You picked Starshina, he was a sane alignment cop. A cop was important to determine Alstar's alignment but also to faster the scum hunt. Too bad the role was only used to "check records of himself" before he was shot.



Fraydo has chosen the Soviet Engineer. He already knew that it was important for Soviets to manage the Silos, and basically resurrect them in the event they would fall. It was also important during the day as he had the best day action against Allied building. And because of that, I have opted that Soviets would have TWO engineers, so OrangeP47 got one too. With two engineers in game, Soviets could nullify two soviet building kills.



Category 5 Hurricane has chosen a vehicle with shoot action. I have opted for Heavy Tank, because it also has the protection ability. The protection ability worked in this game like this: The primary function of course was to protect from the Night Kills (esp. buildings and engineers), but it could also protect against other night actions. Even though the Heavy Tank works like a lightning rod when it comes to Night Kills, it would be able to tank the Artillery shot without dying, since that action was designed to kill a non armored unit. Cat5 didn't use the heavy tank during Day1 but there was a small chance it could save the random Arty hit. Other than that it's battle action was also a counter to the Artillery.



TheIrishman has helped designing his role. The main purpose for this experimental vehicle was to nullify allied night kills (every second night), and also all day kills (every second day). When the sub submerged successfully during the night, it became fully bulletproof for the entire phase but couldn't use the day action. Once again this unit was suppose to help town to survive enough night kills to have the silos ready on Day 7.



Retaliation's Allied Engineer was a must for the Allies to accomplish the mission by sabotaging the silos, or killing them straight up.



Mojoman wanted an Artillery, so he got one. It was a quick RNG fast kill to get rid of one of the support roles for the Soviets. He will brag about RNGing Fraydo until end of days now. :p



I know some of you didn't like the fact there was another Allied building in game (unless you get to be an allied building in game, then it's suddenly all fine :D), but I had no choice but to opt for it.

Reason 1 was that I had the helipad ready for the previous game (Airforce vs Staplerfahrer), but with all the custom TP factions and crazy Staplerfahrer mechanics it would be too much (besides allies needed a defense structure more). I wanted to see how it plays out, since I had no feedback on the building (maybe now I will).

Reason 2 was Allies really needed to be able to survive long enough to get the silos, and with all the buffed up roles Soviets had (and also all the better players - alignment RNG picked the most experienced players for town). If Alstar wouldn't be the Helipad, he would of been lynched on D1. And I guess rest of the Allies would follow really quick if I think about it.

Reason 3 was that I was opting for a quick game, where one side or the other would be equally strong. I asked for the stalemate by myself, I know :p



Jeod, the Major Vladimir Kosygin was they mystery role this time. Jeod wanted something special again, no doubt. Kosygin could easily switch his allegiance once his objective was completed. I was wondering how will Jeod steer the game this time. He got extra day-only protection so he could survive the game (as Neutral, he needs to survive as primary objective), but he wasn't immune to night kills or repeated battle actions. There was a possibility Allies could betray him too, which almost happened, but since Jeod was so nice to help them removing the Town Cop from game, they let him alive. This was a wildcard role, not really balancing at any way. The daily info actually helped town identify Alstar as a non-silo, but overall with the random cop kill he helped Allies more.


Now a few comments to actual gameplay I have observed.

For Town:

  • I'm noticing a pattern where town players are going for "inactive players" marked automatically as scum while being inactive themselves, mostly on Day 1. First of all if you notice the Day 1 patterns in all previous games, Scum is usually the most active faction, not the other way. Don't auto mark inactive players being scum, first off check the active players first, and only go for the inactive if there is really no other lead. Because you start ignoring the active and go for the silent ones, scum will only benefit from it (and usually even jump on as well), since the busy/afk/inactive/sick player can't defend himself. There's also no counterargument so scum can easily vote without much effort/explanation. tl;dr: As town, go for active players first!
  • Another thing I notice is the lack of action. If you are suspicious, don't hold back, go for it! Nobody else will do your scum hunting work, and if you won't push for your beliefs, others may do for theirs.
  • Don't be afraid to use your day/night actions too, I gave them to you for a reason. If you won't use the actions you have (and especially if there aren't one timers), you are throwing your game out of the window.
  • Meta arguments such as "that can't be in game because it would be too OP/easy/impossible/whatever..." never really worked in my games, trust me :p


For Scum:

  • Just one comment for the allies: Don't be premature. Rather play safe than be sorry, and always count with a possibility that something can go wrong (as it always does).


Overall good game guys, pretty entertaining as I'm used to. Hopefully I see you again in the chat version in mid august or by the next installment of Red Alert: APB Mafia!


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I'm just happy I finally got to shoot you Alstar.  I seriously wanted to do so since Day 2, but I knew that if I was wrong I'd never be allowed to play mafia with you guys ever again for such a boneheaded move if you'd actually been the silo.

But yeah, guess I better 'find' a working mic by the followup session.

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24 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

Also, allies, when did I softclaim silo? I tried to super super super super not claim anything. I was afraid to even say the word 'engineer' this game.

I read too much into your questions on shooting at some point (I think around the first shoot out with Jeod) and your RADAR joke.

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12 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

I capitalized RADAR because people had just given KY crap for doing so, so the quote on him was supposed to be another dig at him.

Like I said read way to much into it.


Also we were super unlucky because Mojo didn't manage to kill someone with a -25 bp modifier.

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I'm actually curious how the stuck/kill%/BPKill% work. I've been assuming you roll for stuck, followed by kill% with targets adding modifiers to those rolls. I imagine a negative modifier is bad or engineers would be more durable rather than less.

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2 hours ago, VERTi60 said:

:soviet: Game Balance & Comments


As mentioned before, the game was designed to last within 7 days max, with the help of secondary win condition. I'm saying "secondary", but it was probably more important than the standard victory condition this time around.


Missile Silo were interesting addition, making the buildings actually "fear" of being discovered, not the other way around as we were used to previous games, where buildings were basically taunting the team in order not to get different player lynched instead. To make the game even shorter, all players had power roles with interesting mechanics.


Let's take a look at the units you guys have picked or designed to play this game:



Chopbam picked Flamethrower to be one of the option roles for this game. It was suppose to be the Soviet's vigilante role, as one of the counters to the Allied building or perhaps even to kill Jeod if required. Usually we don't have this role in game too often as it's really unpredictable to the game-play, and yea Chopbam almost killed the game with it by thinking of night-killing OrangeP47


Killing You picked Starshina, he was a sane alignment cop. A cop was important to determine Alstar's alignment but also to faster the scum hunt. Too bad the role was only used to "check records of himself" before he was shot.



Fraydo has chosen the Soviet Engineer. He already knew that it was important for Soviets to manage the Silos, and basically resurrect them in the event they would fall. It was also important during the day as he had the best day action against Allied building. And because of that, I have opted that Soviets would have TWO engineers, so OrangeP47 got one too. With two engineers in game, Soviets could nullify two soviet building kills.



Category 5 Hurricane has chosen a vehicle with shoot action. I have opted for Heavy Tank, because it also has the protection ability. The protection ability worked in this game like this: The primary function of course was to protect from the Night Kills (esp. buildings and engineers), but it could also protect against other night actions. Even though the Heavy Tank works like a lightning rod when it comes to Night Kills, it would be able to tank the Artillery shot without dying, since that action was designed to kill a non armored unit. Cat5 didn't use the heavy tank during Day1 but there was a small chance it could save the random Arty hit. Other than that it's battle action was also a counter to the Artillery.



TheIrishman has helped designing his role. The main purpose for this experimental vehicle was to nullify allied night kills (every second night), and also all day kills (every second day). When the sub submerged successfully during the night, it became fully bulletproof for the entire phase but couldn't use the day action. Once again this unit was suppose to help town to survive enough night kills to have the silos ready on Day 7.



Retaliation's Allied Engineer was a must for the Allies to accomplish the mission by sabotaging the silos, or killing them straight up.



Mojoman wanted an Artillery, so he got one. It was a quick RNG fast kill to get rid of one of the support roles for the Soviets. He will brag about RNGing Fraydo until end of days now. :p



I know some of you didn't like the fact there was another Allied building in game (unless you get to be an allied building in game, then it's suddenly all fine :D), but I had no choice but to opt for it.

Reason 1 was that I had the helipad ready for the previous game (Airforce vs Staplerfahrer), but with all the custom TP factions and crazy Staplerfahrer mechanics it would be too much (besides allies needed a defense structure more). I wanted to see how it plays out, since I had no feedback on the building (maybe now I will).

Reason 2 was Allies really needed to be able to survive long enough to get the silos, and with all the buffed up roles Soviets had (and also all the better players - alignment RNG picked the most experienced players for town). If Alstar wouldn't be the Helipad, he would of been lynched on D1. And I guess rest of the Allies would follow really quick if I think about it.

Reason 3 was that I was opting for a quick game, where one side or the other would be equally strong. I asked for the stalemate by myself, I know :p



Jeod, the Major Vladimir Kosygin was they mystery role this time. Jeod wanted something special again, no doubt. Kosygin could easily switch his allegiance once his objective was completed. I was wondering how will Jeod steer the game this time. He got extra day-only protection so he could survive the game (as Neutral, he needs to survive as primary objective), but he wasn't immune to night kills or repeated battle actions. There was a possibility Allies could betray him too, which almost happened, but since Jeod was so nice to help them removing the Town Cop from game, they let him alive. This was a wildcard role, not really balancing at any way. The daily info actually helped town identify Alstar as a non-silo, but overall with the random cop kill he helped Allies more.


Now a few comments to actual gameplay I have observed.

For Town:

  • I'm noticing a pattern where town players are going for "inactive players" marked automatically as scum while being inactive themselves, mostly on Day 1. First of all if you notice the Day 1 patterns in all previous games, Scum is usually the most active faction, not the other way. Don't auto mark inactive players being scum, first off check the active players first, and only go for the inactive if there is really no other lead. Because you start ignoring the active and go for the silent ones, scum will only benefit from it (and usually even jump on as well), since the busy/afk/inactive/sick player can't defend himself. There's also no counterargument so scum can easily vote without much effort/explanation. tl;dr: As town, go for active players first!
  • Another thing I notice is the lack of action. If you are suspicious, don't hold back, go for it! Nobody else will do your scum hunting work, and if you won't push for your beliefs, others may do for theirs.
  • Don't be afraid to use your day/night actions too, I gave them to you for a reason. If you won't use the actions you have (and especially if there aren't one timers), you are throwing your game out of the window.
  • Meta arguments such as "that can't be in game because it would be too OP/easy/impossible/whatever..." never really worked in my games, trust me :p


For Scum:

  • Just one comment for the allies: Don't be premature. Rather play safe than be sorry, and always count with a possibility that something can go wrong (as it always does).


Overall good game guys, pretty entertaining as I'm used to. Hopefully I see you again in the chat version in mid august or by the next installment of Red Alert: APB Mafia!

Finished with commentary.

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