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[Danubian Federation Victory] Ausgleich '37


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The votes have been counted and these are the results! First the investigation.

Looks like Retaliation is going to be investigated.


His real name is Anton Bibescu and he is a Romanian national. He currently has the Legendary admiral's cane. But that's not what is most important, what is important is his status, after all, he did shoot some of our fellow members at the Ausgleich! Therefore, it is no surprise that he is currently Hostile! He will be arrested and jailed for the time being. We’ll see what we will do with him later. His items have been confiscated and transferred to the vault. He was aligned with the Pluralist nUSOvqF.png party and had the objective to Achieve Pluralism by any means. He did not, however, have any night actions. Still, it appears that he was a silent workhorse which allowed him to gain 3PP instead of the usual 2PP.


So... What about the reform? Well, it looks like your have tied the reform vote again today, meaning that there will be no reform tonight. This has lowered stability within the Empire. See to it that you agree on a reform tomorrow!

Additionally, you nominated Category 5 Hurricane to gain access to the vault tonight! 

Remember that you can pass items around for exactly 0PP. Oh, and don’t forget to send in your night actions at least one hour before day time! Sleep well everyone...

... If you can, for you have now arrived at the endgame. Think about your actions tonight and, as a matter of fair play, you can also send in day actions in advance which will be resolved on day start. This so that both of you have equal chance at winning. May the best player win.

24 hours remain until the end of the night!
That is, unless I get a bunch of finalised actions before then. Let me know.

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Another day at the Ausgleich negotiations. Everybody seems well rested and ready for the tough discussions ahead. Ensure that you do the Kaiser proud... especially since you tied another reform vote yesterday. Ensure that everything will be going to plan today!


There doesn't appear to be anything interesting in the newspaper.




The endgame has begun


24 hours remai- hold on, the pre-emptive day actions will be resolved. Don't post and wait for the results.

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##Mindcontrol Shade

##Shade Shoot Shade


##Shoot Category 5 Hurricane

As the Ausgleich is about to begin, both Category 5 Hurricane and Shade enter the room on the opposing sides. Category 5 Hurricane enters the room from the eastern entrance while Shade enters the room from the west. While all negotiators are still talking to one another, Category 5 Hurricane and Shade suddenly see each other. They stop on opposite sites of the room and make eye contact. It is at this point that the other negotiators begin to notice.

As the room is silent, Category 5 Hurricane takes the initiative and tries to use an unknown action on Shade. While almost everybody in the room starts to get a bit dizzy, Category 5 Hurricane uses a deep and calm voice to order Shade to shoot himself. However, the distance is too long and Shade's guards block parts of the mental charge meant for Shade. 

It doesn't take long for Category 5 Hurricane to notice who then finds himself in shock. As Shade's guards make way towards Category 5 Hurricane, Shade suddenly reveals an army rifle beneath his coat. He carefully aims at the shocked Category 5 Hurricane and, with the precision of an expert hunter, the Habsburg Prince puts a bullet right between Category 5 Hurricane's eyes.

While everybody is still in shock, the calm prince orders an immediate investigation into Category 5 Hurricane, an alias for the Romanian Teohari Georgescu.


After going through his personal documents in his room, you soon discover that he was aligned to the National Populist HXGHiUTtAFPcgzxU2BEMNcBmYZKDpQaUv7d90gjV party of Romania, the Iron Guard. This is weird. Teohari Georgescu was a socialist, if not a syndicalist who was exiled from Romania not too long ago. If anything, the Iron Guard party would have wanted the entirety of the Empire to break in a bid to reconquer Transylvania. In any case, his objective was to Abolish the monarchy by killing them all, as that would surely have led to the collapse of the Empire.

During the night he could use an unknown ability in addition to a killing ability while during the day, he could use some hypnosis ability to control others. Weird. Beyond the Legendary Admiral's Cane, you also found a weird kind of antenna; possibly for a walkie-talkie device.

Whatever the case, this was one nasty guy and the people are grateful for his elimination. Now, back to the Ausgleich....







With all threats eliminated, it doesn't take long for Prince Otto von Habsburg to take the lead in the process. As the sole remaining negotiator who has a large influence, he's able to steer the Ausgleich towards a new Empire. One in which all states are equal and are all, essentially, a state within a state. It takes many long days and nights to draw up the eventual draft for this new Danubian Federation, but with every new reform, public confidence in the Empire, the state and the monarchy increases. As stability increases and reforms are being rushed through, so does the threat of civil war dwindle. It has been a long ride, but the Kaiser's vision of a new Federation on the Danube will be realised and with it, the Empire will be saved from dissolution. While Hungary still protests, they know that they won't be able to keep their protests on for long until political pressure will finally force them to concede.

The Empire lives and a civil war has been prevented! Truly this is the best timeline! Or is it? The outside world is heating up. Tension is mounting, political crisis spring up every day, oppertonist and revangist nations are making more and more threads to others, and the Black Monday disaster is still a world wide issue. As the German Empire is greatly weakened due to Black monday and its own internal issues, the Syndicalists are gaining more and more power. Another Weltkrieg seems inevitable, but the Danubian Federation, a new beacon of freedom, democracy and hope will stand its ground against any authoritarian or anarchist ideologies. It will stand together with its historical ally, Germany, to try and stem the Red Tide once the time comes. Once the time comes... But until then, a lot of work will have to be done. At least Austria's path has been laid. An it's all thanks to you!


And thus ends the game. I will provide you with a complete post game post tomorrow where I will: provide the links to the different docs, discuss the players, hand out a few rewards, and discuss the game's mechanics in further detail.

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Just now, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Never figured out why I couldn't target Shade or what I could do about it, so the result was pretty obvious.

My only guess is stability has to drop low enough for civil war to break out, so the royal guard are forced to partake in that instead of guarding me.

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1 minute ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Never figured out why I couldn't target Shade or what I could do about it, so the result was pretty obvious.

Shade almost did nothing, which could lead to another reform on N11, allowing you to spiral things into a civil war by voting a radical reform (had to be Pluralism) and win that way. Shade was your good guy counterpart and his passive was a direct counter to both your ability (any really) and the classic mafia win. Had it been a 1v1 with anybody else, you would have won automatically.

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Just now, Category 5 Hurricane said:

How could it be a 1v1 with anyone else? Since he's untargetable, there isn't a way to remove him from the game?

There is one way to end up in a 1v1. Unlikely, but possible (and only with Fraydo).

You're right on the money that you had to kill Karl the 1st before you could go after Shade.

Killing Karl would have made Shade Kaiser and thus would have made him vulnerable to any kind of action during the day and would have made him vulnerable during the night under the same conditions that would have made Karl vulnerable. Check out the main doc tomorrow for more info.

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Just now, OrangeP47 said:

We're still about 100 posts short of this being the longest mafia :v

I was tempted to not grab the gun and rely on using my passive to force the investigation unto Category 5, and then win the nomination and grab it legally.

But apparently I couldn't automatically win the tie with Category 5 because of my ability, despite the fact I couldn't be investigated, so it made just as much sense to steal the Gun and rely on RNG to get off the first shot.

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Just now, Category 5 Hurricane said:

I actually tried to make sure you took the gun so that my day action would be valid, but of course I wasn't allowed to target you at night either.

This is why I stopped moaning yesterday about how bananas your role was, because I realized you couldn't do anything if shade stole the gun.

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2 minutes ago, Retaliation said:

This is why I stopped moaning yesterday about how bananas your role was, because I realized you couldn't do anything if shade stole the gun.

Even then, I could have fairly easily ended up in a position where I couldn't do anything since I never managed to grab a single item until right before the end.

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Just now, Category 5 Hurricane said:

I'll have to make a list of all the things I was wrong about this game. It'll take some time to complete.

Honestly, this has happened my past two games (this game and the champ game at MU), but there's someone who's scum that I just wholeheartedly believe.  Until I popped in the dead doc I actually thought it was Retal AND Shade being scum when I died, not you.  I need to go back to being suspicious of everybody.

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Just now, OrangeP47 said:

Honestly, this has happened my past two games (this game and the champ game at MU), but there's someone who's scum that I just wholeheartedly believe.  Until I popped in the dead doc I actually thought it was Retal AND Shade being scum when I died, not you.  I need to go back to being suspicious of everybody.

Pay attention to the evidence.

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