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Chronotank Strategies

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Honestly, threads like these are very refreshing. I love your analysis style that you have done here and previously for other units. As impressive as the vehicle is, I am not a regular user of the Chronotank myself, although I am certain this information will be very helpful to the Allied team.

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Nice post, Des! Like Fraydo, I find them very refreshing and take my time to read.

A few questions / remarks on this one;

1 hour ago, des1206 said:

1. Given the tank's special armor, it is really good vs Flame Towers. Try to solo using a CT vs using a medium tank, and you will see the CT only loses half of its health to kill a FT vs >75% of the med's health.

- Just to be sure: Did you test this in equivalent circumstances? Because, off course, the strength of a full-HP flametower should vary depending on the number of players, right?

1 hour ago, des1206 said:

 I'll admit I'm at a loss on how to use the CT effectively. The teleportation ability is nice, but I feel in terms of "battlefield niche", the tank is easily eclipsed by Longbows on air maps. The primary function of the CT is an anti-vehicle ambusher that flanks enemy vehicles with its increased mobility via teleporting, but LBs does this job very well already at 1/2 the cost!

- I would argue that, as implied by your post, the Chronotanks niche lies in the unorthodox Chrono mechanic. In some maps, transporting multiple chronos behind the lines (hopefully unseen) is just the thing to shift the balance.

- Overall I get the sense that you find the CT to be a difficult unit to use cost-efficiently, and I definitely agree with that. I also note that losing CT's can give the commies a lot of points..

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Bonus Tip: 

Because of the Mammoth Armor's resistance, 1 vs 1 a mechanic could actually out-repair a Volkov or Heavy Tank. So if you found yourself teleported next to the wrong person, as long as it's 1 vs 1, and you still have your armor on, pop out of your CT and start repairing! A CT continues to recharge whether you are in or out of the vehicle. Just try to survive 30 seconds before getting out of there.

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On 6/2/2020 at 11:32 PM, des1206 said:

1. Make Chrono initiation time and reset time a function of distance teleported (Less distance teleported, faster reset time). At 300m max range with 30 sec recharge time, maybe the scale can be 1sec/10 meter of distance jumped (i.e 200m jump, 20s recharge time)?  By making short jumps faster and therefore less risky, it will encourage drivers to jump from flank to flank and make this unit more fun to use. Imagine how annoying it is for a Soviet tank column to have to deal with a CT that is in front of them, and then hops to their right, and then hops to their left. Phase Tanks can ambush too, but they can't jump from flank to flank. This will also add strategic depth to driving the CT and reward skillful jumping with lower recharge time.

I like this idea.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 6/3/2020 at 6:32 AM, des1206 said:

1. Make Chrono initiation time and reset time a function of distance teleported (Less distance teleported, faster reset time). At 300m max range with 30 sec recharge time, maybe the scale can be 1sec/10 meter of distance jumped (i.e 200m jump, 20s recharge time)?  By making short jumps faster and therefore less risky, it will encourage drivers to jump from flank to flank and make this unit more fun to use. Imagine how annoying it is for a Soviet tank column to have to deal with a CT that is in front of them, and then hops to their right, and then hops to their left. Phase Tanks can ambush too, but they can't jump from flank to flank. This will also add strategic depth to driving the CT and reward skillful jumping with lower recharge time.

If this is done you probably should allow you to teleport without having to open the map up, to be able to better control the short jumps (you would ofc still need the map for long jumps)

Edited by GummiBear
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After playing around with this for a bit, I don't think there should be any warning that a Chronotank is teleporting into an area until it actually does so. Right now it spawns a vortex where it will be teleporting; this is fine for AR's Chrono Miner that could otherwise end up landing right on top of you and crushing you, but for a vehicle designed to ambush all it does is signal the enemy "please point turret here". This alone could give the Chrono Tank the first shot advantage that it should have to allow it to be more effective at being an ambusher.

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My favourite strategy is to observe the Soviet base, specifically the War Factory, from a safe distance within my chronoshift zone. I do this in the hopes that the enemy will purchase a Demo Truck. If they do I will chronoshift into their base and destroy the trucks. If there are any defences I will try and shift to a blind spot.

I was able to do this a couple of weeks ago on KOTG. The enemy was planning a demo rush and purchased two Demo Trucks. As they were leaving I shifted to the front of the War Factory so the Tesla Coil could not zap me and shot the first truck, which when detonated also detonated the first truck. It was hilarious and definitely a highlight of my recent game experience.

It's also useful to get to know the usual sneak routes players will take with their Demo Trucks so you can better intercept them.

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