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Hovers MRLS


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I disagree mrls are fine, Nod simply has no good water tanks.

I think instead of nerf a fun unit, why not give Nod an equally as fun water tank. (Besides most people asking for nerfs ask for a range nerf. Mostly because Mrls armor is not very strong. Although if the range gets shortened it will lose its usefulness on land as a base defense killer and lose it’s reputation on water as an anti-aircraft unit) I know what you’re thinking what about speed? it flips too much on land at full speed for a nerf to affect its balance.

-So the best Nod has on the water at the moment is the AMX, the problem with this tank is that the mrls can outmaneuver the slow projectile. (By the way if the Mrls armor is gone it can one hit them if you hit the missile pod... if you can pull off that shot)

-Thus- I see two options 1) Increase the projectile velocity -Or- 2) create an amphibious tank that has a rail cannon/Laser able to hit the Mrls at range... because range is the only advantage the Mrls has. 


Edited by Raptor29aa
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Make SA8 GEKO shot manually.

Make ADATS as good as before. Currently now it is stone throwing system by all means, not missile launcher. (strong arc missile trajectory + rediculiously low damage with secondary fire)

I'm only the one who talk about problems overnerfed units. Usually noobs after hard losing going here and asking for nerf "OP thing" as they assume, instead of using possible ways to deal with this enemy unit and a player who knows how to use this unit. If this happens, the units usually get overnerfed and 30-40% units becime just out of regular use. People find alternative ways of playing in some time, and some units just become forgotten.

Light tank? WTF is that?

Honestly I forgot about this tank untill I got it in vehicle crate yesterday.

I sold it, because it is useless vehicle for its price and not only price. Using this weak tank is a waste of time.

Side note, delete autocannon Nod APC and give this weapon to cheaper BRDM as KPVT becasue currenlty it's armed with 2 almost same machine guns. I suppose this will provide Nod to have an agile, powerful low-armored and low-price vehicle for water battles. Not so strong as ADATS, but they should be able to be counter ADATS in this settings if use in larger groups. Moving this vehicle to more expencive section and buffing the KPVT autocannon in terms of reload time, ammo load and pitch angle (vertical, for anti-air usage) might be required to reach described purposes.

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14 hours ago, fgd56 said:

I'm only the one who talk about problems overnerfed units

Not so fast, I posted about over-nerfing a month ago. When I stated that newbie or “overpowered weapons” are important in creating fair imbalance. As in the answer is not remove the fun from that tank, but should be raise up a countermeasure that is equally as fun. (Also Threve agrees with you too)


Edited by Raptor29aa
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On 10/4/2020 at 3:13 PM, Raptor29aa said:

I think instead of nerf a fun unit, why not give Nod an equally as fun water tank. (Besides most people asking for nerfs ask for a range nerf. Mostly because Mrls armor is not very strong. Although if the range gets shortened it will lose its usefulness on land as a base defense killer and lose it’s reputation on water as an anti-aircraft unit) I know what you’re thinking what about speed? it flips too much on land at full speed for a nerf to affect its balance.

I agree with Raptor 100%. Don't nerf please. There have already been enough nerfs that destroyed the viability of some units. Hence why they get reverted back.

The Hover MLRS is super easy to kill. Having difficulty with them on Infinite Isle? Get a Hind, or even an Apache. Just fly above it's aiming deadzone and you just win.

It's armor is already paper mache, and most tanks will one - two shot kill it on the super weakspot. Especially if you use a Tesla Tank.

Example down below.



On 10/5/2020 at 1:35 PM, fgd56 said:

I'm only the one who talk about problems overnerfed units. Usually noobs after hard losing going here and asking for nerf "OP thing" as they assume, instead of using possible ways to deal with this enemy unit and a player who knows how to use this unit. If this happens, the units usually get overnerfed and 30-40% units becime just out of regular use. People find alternative ways of playing in some time, and some units just become forgotten.

Thankfully you aren't the only one. Some people's voices are louder than others unfortunately. People need to experiment more to figure out what matchups work and what don't. They have to take time and actually think about what they are using. If people spent less time raging and throwing salt everywhere, they might find enough time to experiment and have fun.




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A few Ideas for Nod

1.) Remove the 500$ BRDM 30.cal 

-why because BDRM-2 is 50$ cheaper has a better machine gun and is an APC also. (Yet the seats would have to be upped from 3 to 6) 

-Or remove the BDRM-2 (It’s weird to have two cheap APCs with mostly the same armor)

2.) the BMD-1 would be a great counter for  an mrls if it either had A) more speed or B) better range or C) better armor.

3) After removing the 500$ BRDM (Or BDRM-2) the empty slot can go toward creating a new tank.

-A.) BMD TOW Or M40 Or  twin missile launcher?

-B.) Nona 75mm laser gun Or twin 115mm Gun Or 155mm Cannon

(By the way since the Nona and BMD already have models it wouldn’t be hard to invent a new tank. Also GDI got an APC revamp why can’t Nod?)

Edited by Raptor29aa
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Hover MLRS for the price is very nicely balanced in my opinion. I feel the problem as said above is that nod has zero offensive ability on the water. Getting an aircraft is usually the answer but to Kickmofo's credit, your Hind can be killed by a Hover MLRS from far away by a skilled player or because you're trying to fly across the map to the Hover MLRS and taking hits during flight.

The new Sprout Tank Unit is useless. It's too expensive, too weak, too slow, and I don't think it even has a machine gun. Only other option is the AMX-130 which is... a tank. It's really average in every regard. Not bad, but not specialized or able to do anything on it's own really unless in groups. It can harass units but is usually outranged by said Hover MLRS.


I think it would be best if Nod got some amphibious love as the solution.

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11 hours ago, Raptor29aa said:

A few Ideas for Nod

1.) Remove the 500$ BRDM 30.cal 

-why because BDRM-2 is 50$ cheaper has a better machine gun and is an APC also. (Yet the seats would have to be upped from 3 to 6) 

-Or remove the BDRM-2 (It’s weird to have two cheap APCs with mostly the same armor)

2.) the BMD-1 would be a great counter for  an mrls if it either had A) more speed or B) better range or C) better armor.

3) After removing the 500$ BRDM (Or BDRM-2) the empty slot can go toward creating a new tank.

-A.) BMD TOW Or M40 Or  twin missile launcher?

-B.) Nona 75mm laser gun Or twin 115mm Gun Or 155mm Cannon

(By the way since the Nona and BMD already have models it wouldn’t be hard to invent a new tank. Also GDI got an APC revamp why can’t Nod?)

WTF you saying? I told what to do with BRDM and apc https://w3dhub.com/forum/topic/421448-hovers-mrls/?tab=comments#comment-706092

1) You can't remove apc (you meant APC? Right?) Becasue it is classic vehicle for Nod and GDI.

Don't remove, just change weapon.

2) Not going to analyze atm.



After removing the 500$ BRDM

Remove yourself.

Remove autocannon apc. Do not remove 500$ APC!

A) GDI already got this. Do not make same weapon vehicles with different appearances, there are enough of them.

B) APC splitfire already got laser gun u r n00b not experienced player I see.


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1 hour ago, fgd56 said:

B) APC splitfire already got laser gun u r n00b not experienced player I see.

It doesn’t have a #mm laser cannon, just a spitfire laser chaingun same stats as the Nod infantry. I was referring to a laser cannon when I said “mm laser gun” 

And sure keep the 500$ classic, I was just saying Nod has 4 APC machine gun type vehicles (and yes I am including the laser chaingun) 

As for repeating weapons there are so many missiles used across multiple tanks I was giving examples of weapons types for both Nona and BDM chassis; No need to hit the panic button.

Lastly, no need to name call with n00b. It's not classy.


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On 10/8/2020 at 9:30 PM, Raptor29aa said:

Lastly, no need to name call with n00b. It's not classy.


Dblaneyer and Yapper, pls look at suggestions and review them. We told few worthy things here and me and Raptorer239 and someone else here are agreed in many our opinions.

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