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[Game Over: Town Victory] Star Trek: Away Team

Message added by Shade939,
Victory Condition
Loyalist: Three of Three points

Separatist: Zero of Three points


Master Game Sheet

Scum Doc

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I may want to join for the next one, but I have other things going on that I should hold off for now. I'll keep an eye on this though, the gameplay is new to me and sounds interesting.

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46 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:


It's actually an alien parasite mimicking your gameboy advance. The good news is it doesn't require batteries anymore though.

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2 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:


The true question is, can you transfer your old Pokemon all the way up to the current gen?

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9 hours ago, Jeod said:

The true question is, can you transfer your old Pokemon all the way up to the current gen?

I mean the save game batteries in the old cartridges are long since dead and I held no illusions about that, but that's why I long since got the virtual console versions of them.

TBH I just cleaned up the box and then messed around with putting the GBA emulator on my current phone because it actually works on it instead of being a choppy mess on my last phone, but that's mainly to play Pokemon TCG2 which I need a ROM Hack for anyway because it was never released in English so I have to get the fan translation (which tbh as far as fan translations go is pretty decent, if maybe slightly annoying for giving random people Texas accents).

Interestingly, as more proof that I used to be insanely bad at video games, I fired up my physical copy of TCG1 and I had 2 hours in the game and no gym badges.  On my DS I'm pretty sure it only took me like 4:30 to beat the entire game (8 gyms), so oh boy did I not understand how to play that game as a child.

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Oh and as an added bonus, this same box I found held all my vintage pokemon cards too.  I didn't have that many cards though as a kid, so the whole set is probably worth like $200 despite the fact that they're all from the sets that have gone up like 1000% in value in the past year.

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Day One

Despite what was supposed to be an easy mission disaster has struck once again. The Captain and second in command along with various security and command personal suffered an unforeseen teleporter incident while transporting back to the ship. Due to the multiple redundant security systems built into the teleportation device, it is safe to assume that the device has been tampered with and the series of setbacks that have plagued the ship since it's arrival in orbit above Valden II have taken a much more sinister meaning.

In response emergency protocols are now in effect, and the remaining officers have been forced to fill vacated positions and continue to deal with the growing insurgency on Valden II while still trying to hunt down the traitors in their own midst.


The game ends once one side gains three out of five points over the course of a possible five away missions. A point is awarded for the Loyalist completing an Away Mission without it being Sabotaged by at least one Separatist member on the team,  the Separatist are awarded the point instead of the Loyalist if they choose to use the Sabotage action while being part of the Away Team.

In order to  select players for the away team you must use the following two actions.

##Nominate <Target 1, Target 2, Etc..> - This will also count as you using the vote action for your own nomination. So in effect, you specifically can't vote for someone other than the players you Nominated for the Away Team.

##Vote <Player> - Support a players Nominated candidates. Or basically vote for the same players they're voting for.

Additionally, Fleet Command has seen fit to give you access to an experimental device known as an Exocomp, designation "Town Bot". This device can be voted on to replace one of the Crew members of the Away Team, and the ships engineering department guaranteed that the device is fully operational and will remain Loyal to Star Fleet.

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1 minute ago, OrangeP47 said:

So essentially D1 we just put through anybody.

There doesn't appear to be a set size of the away team?

Finally finished formatting the table and added it in.

Should be at the top of the thread from now on. And I'll update the first thread post to make it easier to keep track of the final votes for each day.

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1 minute ago, Mojoman said:

The ultimate scum play is to not sabatoge at all and just lose.


Town would never suspect.

You joke, but if we nominate scum D1 I suspect the play would be for them to pretend to be a goodie.

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Just now, OrangeP47 said:

You joke, but if we nominate scum D1 I suspect the play would be for them to pretend to be a goodie.

Either way  a point for town.


So we just don't send the bot unless we are in a losing position right? It gives us more suspects to focus on.

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1 minute ago, Mojoman said:

Or not.

Ironically, it's not that bad of an idea.  Jeod may or may not be scum, but if he's scum, he'd have to be the dumbest boy alive to actually sabotage D1.  We can let him do it, just keep in mind that it doesn't actually clear him.

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Just now, OrangeP47 said:

Ironically, it's not that bad of an idea.  Jeod may or may not be scum, but if he's scum, he'd have to be the dumbest boy alive to actually sabotage D1.  We can let him do it, just keep in mind that it doesn't actually clear him.

Fair shake. I guess with only 2 team members regardless there'd be no sabotage.

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Just now, Mojoman said:

Fair shake. I guess with only 2 team members regardless there'd be no sabotage.

Well the bot seems incapable of doing it, but if we sent two humans one of them could and then we'd have to argue.

The play here is, if we send Jeod and the bot, we send Jeod and the bot *ad infinitum* until we either win or something bad happens, at which point we know something's wrong.  If the away team never expands to 3, we know that bad thing is Jeod.  If the away team does expand, then that's where we argue and basically have to play mastermind (the code breaking game).

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1 hour ago, OrangeP47 said:

Well the bot seems incapable of doing it, but if we sent two humans one of them could and then we'd have to argue.

The play here is, if we send Jeod and the bot, we send Jeod and the bot *ad infinitum* until we either win or something bad happens, at which point we know something's wrong.  If the away team never expands to 3, we know that bad thing is Jeod.  If the away team does expand, then that's where we argue and basically have to play mastermind (the code breaking game).

I'd assume it would increase though. Otherwise town could just so that 3 days in a row and win without any chance for scum.

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