Patches & Tools
Essential Patches and Tools for C&C Renegade
1 file
Renlist 1.0.9
By Kaskins
RenList provides the ability to retrieve server list from Gamespy and WOL.
You may connect to any listed servers on display by simply selecting the server and click on Connect or by double-clocking the selected server.
1.0.9 - 14 Jun, 2016
* Change: [General] Structure of RenList.xml has been changed and some settings are incompatible with previous versions
* Change: [WOL] Password is now encrypted before saving to memory and configure file
* Change: [GSA] Status bar will display "no server available" instead of "Querying..." in GSA if GSA master returns empty server list
* Fix: [WOL] Server list menu disappeared
* Fix: [WOL] Prompt incorrect password after password update
* Fix: [GSA] Incorrect sorting behavior with customized columns
* Fix: [GSA] Favorited servers sometimes don't show up
* Fix: [GSA] Connect button is now in proper state when (de)selecting servers
1.0.8 - 3 Aug, 2014
* Change: Parsing GameSpy query header "[name]_t#" as server option to follow GameSpy specification (UI for this will be added in future update)
* Change: Column "Favorite" can no longer be sorted
* Fix: Catch connect throttle error from WOL
* Fix: Sorting now works for customized GSA column order
* Fix: Join button on WOL is now enabled when closing Server Information
* Remove: Renegade Resurrection support
1.0.7 - 10 May, 2014
* Update: Master servers list
1.0.6 - 26 Aug, 2012
* Fix: "General" is now the default page in settings dialog
* Fix: Handling of empty GSA server data
* Update: WOL sign in error information
1.0.5 - 28 Aug, 2011
* Add: channel ban notification for WOL servers
* Fix: Incorrect nickname to join WOL servers
* Fix: WOL servers information is now parsed correctly
1.0.4 - 5th Apr, 2010
* Change: Updated wxWidgets to 2.8.10
* Fix: XWIS server IP and Port
1.0.3 - 4th Apr, 2009
* Add: Unlimited WOL buddy list
* Add: Players count for GDI and Nod in WOL server info dialog
* Add: Page ability for nicknames in buddy list
* Add: Detection of Renegade installation from The First Decade
* Add: Renegade Resurrection support (Disabled by default)
* Change: RenList will ask for prompt settings dialog during first startup
* Change: GameSpy is now enabled by default
* Change: Reduced executable size
* Fix: Crash when sorting WOL players in server information dialog
* Fix: Duplicate query for favorited GameSpy servers
* Fix: RenList process would continue running in background if it was closed after WOL Server Info was left open.
* Fix: No longer show negative max player number for WOL servers
* Fix: "Connect" button in WOL server info dialog no longer disabled in empty server
* Fix: WOL Reconnect delay
1.0.2 - 19th Nov, 2008
* Add: +multi parameter support for Renegade (Default is disabled)
* Fix: Can't enter characters in text boxes
* Fix: Passworded WOL servers always prompt "Incorrect password"
1.0.1 - 12th Nov, 2008
* Fix: Crash when launching Renegade from selected GSA server
* Fix: "Connect" and "Join" button won't change its state after Renegade is terminated if the section that own the button is not enabled
1.0.0 - 11th Nov, 2008
* Add: You can now copy IP:Port of GameSpy servers to clipboard from right-click menu and select "Copy IP:Port to clipboard"
* Add: More error checking in update downloader
* Add: It's now always check for Renegade executable existence before launching the game
* Add: Main window position is now remembered
* Add: Display GameSpy server info (player info and game config)
* Add: "F5" on keyboard can now refresh servers list in selected tab
* Add: Display WOL server game config
* Add: Ability to use direct-connect in WOL servers and bypass direct-connect kicker
* Fix: Item "Connect" in right click menu in GSA server list is now disabled if Renegade executable does not exist
* Fix: Non-favorite servers no longer appear as favorites in the GSA right click menu.
* Fix: Incorrect sort order for the servers below the last favorited server
* Fix: Freeze while GameSpy servers list is refreshing
0.3.0 - 1st Oct, 2008
* Add: Ability to add/move/remove column (You can set by right click on server lists header or from menu "Option" -> "Column settings")
* Add: Indicator for ascend/descend sort in GameSpy and WOL server listing
* Add: Statusbar is now show the current status of GameSpy and WOL
* Add: Button to control connection to WOL
* Add: Config option for WOL reconnect delay after disconnection (5 - 30 seconds)
* Add: Columns width is now remembered
* Change: Adjust settings dialog checkboxes string
* Change: Auto reconnect will be disabled if WOL responded with invalid password or serial
* Change: Settings code has been simplified for features from the future
* Change: Pressing enter in config dialog text fields is now equal to pressing "Save" button
* Fix: Memory leak from WOL server player info
0.2.0 - 26th Sep, 2008
* Add: Auto updater
* Add: New menu for settings and merged settings dialogs
* Add: Check for Renegade executable existence
* Add: Check for Renegade path on first start
* Add: Ability to sort WOL server players list
* Add: Time-left label in WOL server player list
* Add: Refresh selected GameSpy server
* Change: Moved to wxWidgets 2.8.9
* Change: Blocked columns resize (except player name) in WOL server player list
* Change: The way of how it store GameSpy favorite servers. Even GameSpy master is unavailable, it will still query favorite servers and list if available
* Change: GameSpy and WOL servers list is now output instantly with sort ability
* Change: WOL players list is now sort by current in-game rank by default
* Change: RenList.xrc is no longer needed. It is being merged with RenList.exe
* Fixed: GameSpy servers list is now decrypted properly
* Remove: "Settings" buttons are removed