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Showing most liked content on 02/19/2015 in all areas

  1. (Credit to Godwin for the Orca and Kalle Bowo for the Tiberium Earth) We're organising a bit of a game night this Friday, so come and join us on TeamSpeak at ts.w3dhub.com We'll be playing some Unreal Tournament 2004 (and fragging Lord_Kane a lot) as well as other great games! If you have some free time, make sure to stop by and say hi to us! We don't bite, honest! Game night is scheduled to start at 7PM GMT, so we'll hopefully see you there!
  2. Got another floppy one for y'all
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  4. When I created this username, I was rather nostalgic for a neighbourhood I'd used to live in. I like wolves as well (highly contributed by my surname), so I blended the two. Last year, I moved back to the 'hood and I've been considering a change for obvious reasons, but I keep saying to myself "to hell with it, people already know me by this anyway".
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  5. I think I always liked UT original better, it also had more resolution options than UT2k4, on the flip side in the original UT if you can't get it to lock at 60fps you end up with a dynamic game speed "feature."
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  6. I've been through a few nicknames before I settled on this one. I started off on Westwood online as Leechimon, "Leech" being my surname and the "mon" part coming from a Hereford colloquialism for friend. A lot of people confused it with Digimon though. I was then Vanguard for a while, named after the Vanguard V-Twin engine that my dad wanted for a go-kart. Vanguard evolved into VanguardValentine, the "Valentine" bit referencing Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII. Then around 2006 I decided that it was time to get a permanent nickname. Sephiroth was my favourite character from Final Fantasy VII and One Winged Angel was the title of his theme tune, so I went with it. I also have an alternate nickname which is Ultimako; a fusion of Ultima (ultimate magic from the FF series) and mako (The energy that the Shinra reactors feed off of in FF7). Nowadays people call me OWA (pronounced oh-wah) or just simply Ben or BenBen.
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  7. I'd hate for all of the hard work people put into projects like TSR to be for nothing. Finished project = happy creators, unfinished project = sad creators (and players too!). I think most of the people here feel a strong nostalgia to Westwood era games. Imagine yourselves in a few years wanting to go back to all those memories. You'll want to play the crap out of these W3D games again, that's for sure, but you'll be sad you never gave them the form and polish they deserved and it will be way too late to work on them later in the future with countless new issues to deal with. And that lingering sadness will always stay with you. So heads high and get to work! After that, see about moving to more modern solutions IF that idea truly strikes your (C&C?) passion in the right spot. I know I'm new here, but I'll stay and play as long as there is someone to play with.
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  8. We all know the renegade engine has it's faults... This is w3dhub though... Not UDKcenter
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  9. I present to you, my Allied Command Ranger. It's a 2001 Ford Ranger XLT 2WD with a 3.0L V6 Engine commonly found in Ford Explorers of the time. She's pretty spartan on features but it's literally all I need of a vehicle for now. Can comfortably seat three and has a GPS mount. Sadly, I can't find a good WabCo E2-B1 train horn reproduction that I want but maybe it'll be something for the next one. Blatant Allied Propaganda
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  10. It'll be ready sometime soon! Also, I've featured some of you from this forum in a community spotlight of sorts. It's a way to say thank you for all of the support and feedback. One of the ways... Posted on my group's Facebook page as well.
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  11. You don't have anything "invested" in Renegade. I've made far more content than most people have (I'd be surprised if anyone actually beat me for the amount of content generated) for the game and I had no issues dropping it for better things. There's no sense in being emotionally attached to game engines. They're just tools. I get what you're trying to say but you're not making a convincing argument here. Now for the flip side: How many people are actually playing what you're making? Who knows about it outside of the ~50 people that are left in this game? What happens to your project if Jonwil decides to quit, or if he gets hurt and can't program anymore, or dies, etc? Or if Saberhawk decides to be a shit and refuses to help anymore? It's a house of cards right now, man. You're better off learning how to do better things on better engines. There's plenty of talent to recruit from. If you have to start over, at least you're learning something new instead of trying to mod an engine whose graphical capabilities rival that of Deus Ex in 2000 - and whose gameplay is always a modded form of Renegade's C&C Mode.
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  12. If Renegade's engine were a viable platform, we'd see these mods being substantially more popular than the small cult following they have. Anything based on Renegade's engine (sans RenX, although it's only moderately more successful than Renegade-based mods) doesn't even blip on the gaming community radar. Nobody develops for old engines. Minecraft isn't a 1-1 comparison because it was designed to look that way, not because they were limited to an antiquated engine that could create nothing but pixel art for their game. I get the idea that you enjoy doing this (and I still do, to an extent) but making UDK sound like it's not superior in basically every aspect is ridiculous. Be honest with yourself: you're working on a small cult-following game to create an even smaller cult-following mod of that game. There's nothing wrong with realizing that. Just don't pretend that UDK is somehow inferior to Renegade because RenX can't get their shit together. There's more bugs in anything we've ever made for this engine than all of RenX's issues combined.
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