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Showing most liked content on 02/25/2015 in all areas

  1. Here it is, I have two versions.
  2. Quick, give me some room! Episode #9, stat!
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  3. I'm going to start poking around with UE4 tonight. See what I can get working and figure out how feasible things are. Again i'm not representative of the team. Just experimenting with stuff. I'll make a public thread for tracking how it goes
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  4. i see you use often the vignette effect, the graphics mod i have uploaded has vignette, you just need to enable it and change some parameters. also i see a HDR like color sheme wich you can enable too and adjust to your likes just edit "SweetFX_settings.txt"
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  5. Eyecandy is good for attracting people. Gameplay is more important when playing the game. Right now W3D's terrible graphics engine chases away people before they even consider playing the game.
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  6. Here's a couple of promotional images to look at until the next episode arrives. Also, would anyone be interested in seeing some behind-the-scenes kind of stuff in the future?
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  7. Rackz: While you may or may not enjoy Unreal-based games, your preferences are not to be used to bludgeon other users. There will come a day in the near future where this engine simply stops working due to upgrades in Windows breaking functionality, or network code eventually changing, etc. Being hostile to change is not a characteristic that I feel this community endorses.
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