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Showing most liked content on 06/05/2015 in all areas

  1. Added a media tag, now just paste the URL into a post without any [ img ] or [ url ] etc tags and you get; http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/710787530750187747/E32F476AE7E035F990D6F8C77D7351241EC80237/
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  2. Why is the biped top heavy walker leaning with the terrain? Does UDK not have the power to make proper mech physics? Or are you showing off that a normal tank can be animated like a mech like has been done in Renegade and many other games for years? I see little point moving to UDK if its going to have us make the same hacks Renegade already does. It might be prettier, but why move from one dated engine to another.
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