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Showing most liked content on 09/20/2015 in all areas

  1. I will say this once. All Staff members and moderators are to conduct themselves publicly in a way that does not embarrass the other staff or harm the forum's image in any way. Public humiliation (and bandwagoning) are bullying tactics and will not be tolerated. Get this topic back on track right now. You have been warned. I have been wanting to play WoT for a while now but haven't found the time to get into it much. Maybe it will happen for me some day.
  2. On Topic: Representation of Einstein's Personality (Using Tanks from World of Tanks and their Statistics). Ego: TOG II* Fun Killing Abilities: KV-2 Actual Power: T1 Cunningham All of these tanks are.. actually good in World of Tanks. I recommend playing all of them at least once.
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  3. Usually I play whatever I feel like, but I think that my favorite might be the Gungans, oddly enough. I like to build grand armies, and being able to place housing underwater is a massive advantage.
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