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Showing most liked content on 02/23/2016 in all areas

  1. Alright folks, my work on Hostile Waters has officially concluded. It's now up to Pushwall and the team to decide when the map goes live, and if they want to make any changes themselves or not - they are of course free to do so. This map, and the custom buildings, took quite a bit longer to complete than my original estimation (these things happen). I hope you will enjoy the gameplay offered on this map when it finds itself in the standard map rotation. Here is the change log for this version compared to the public test version. Keep in mind that additional changes could be made by the APB team if they so desired. Gameplay - Added crate powerups on the icebergs, using a custom Soviet themed loot table. - Added infantry tunnel on the Refill Pad iceberg, as well as a wall for extra cover, which also provides some protection from the abandoned SAM Sites for Allied Longbows. - Removed the Soviet Schock Trooper from the purchase list, as it had a too easy time wrecking both ships and aircraft alike from the icebergs. - Removed and moved some base defenses on both teams to reduce the stalemate effect in larger player matches, as well as make early infantry rushes a little harder to pull off. - Made the abandoned buildings harder to capture, by raising the amount of Engineer "ammo" required to capture them. (Service Depot/Refill Pad from 30 to 52, Silo's from 30 to 36.) - Slightly raised fog density, to provide better cover for Allied ships attempting to flank the Soviet base. - Made the free start-up Naval Transports spawn as spawners without re-spawn, rather than vehicle presets. - Soviet Sub Pen - Expanded a blocker, preventing newly purchased subs from moving to the sides and being left in areas where they are hard to destroy, while still occupying the production spawn zone. Visuals - Redone the ice effect and textures. - Soviet submarines clipping their camera through the icebergs will no longer be able to see through them. - Separated underwater surface mesh in order to apply Underwater Dirt as material setting, for water splashy footsteps. - Exported the mission accomplished/failed EVA messages with higher volume. - Made cloud layer more dense, and added distant thunder storm. - Corrected map-wide wind audio effects playing at too low volume. - Iceberg ice material type changed to Glass. - Re-textured iceberg rocks. - Allied Naval Yard - Fixed window frames. - Allied Naval Yard - Fixed a few extreme cases of vertex light solve uglyness on the upper platform exterior. - Allied Naval Yard - Added missing edges to the upper area of the interior support beams. - Allied Naval Yard - Fixed interior staircase pointy bits extending higher than the first floor. - Allied Naval Yard - Newly purchased Naval Transports no longer bump into the edge of the platform while falling down. - Soviet Sub Pen - Fixed light bleeding through the SAM platforms. - Soviet Sub Pen - Re-textured barrel props like on the Naval Yard, to remove multi-materials. - Island bases - Re-textured barrel props like on the Naval Yard, to remove multi-materials. - Island bases - Corrected a texture seam in the Allied base. - Added a new loading screen, with a modified background image from Vuxlort. Thanks for your patience while I worked on this map.
  2. Some of you may know that I'm currently trying to make training documents. I need help. It's not hard, it just requires a bit of back and forth. If you would like to help make these with me, send me a pm. If you would like to view them and note any issues with grammar and consistency, please click on the links below. Allied TRADOC Soviet Field Manual Thank you in advance!
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  3. Yeah, Fraydo and I started this initiative sometime late last year. Thank you for the feedback!
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  4. I could also carve out a cliff in front of the Soviet ore mine to make it harder to hit the OT from the field. Or maybe even give the Soviets a tesla coil in place of the ref FT (mitigates the approach of tank spam around the OT route while still being not exactly difficult for arties to take out)
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  5. Should you, or anyone else be interested and wish to learn, visit the W3D Tutorials section! Brought to you by resident virtuoso @moonsense715.
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  6. Or just give the soviets the mixed field.
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  7. Greetings, I've been requested to re-create the Hostile Waters map for many years now, so with Delta being released and re-introducing naval combat to the game, I suppose it's about time that I got to work on it... A brief piece of history: Hostile Waters was originally a .935 map featuring a naval and air-only gameplay. Both teams had their own little island, with in the middle a cluster of icebergs dividing them. This created some unique level gameplay where Soviet submarines could ambush Allied ships by hiding underneath the icebergs, but also putting them in a tight fighting space. The map had custom naval and air balance, as back in the earlier days of APB gameplay balance was further from where it is now. Hostile Waters also introduced two modified "game-breaker" units, high end units designed to break a potential stalemate; The Soviet "Nuclear Submarine", and Allied "Ion Destroyer". Needless to say these were a topic of love and hate by the players, and unfortunately server side donations made them easier to obtain than intended. I will go ahead and say that the "game-breaker" units will not return in this version of the map, since Delta's gameplay does not require them. (This is a work in progress!) The new Hostile Waters is remade from the ground up, which has taken me a little while since I haven't used any W3D tools or 3DS Max since I left the BlueHell Productions team in 2012. Also learning and implementing the new 'Delta-way' of doing things has taken some additional time so far, but my thanks goes to Generalcamo and Pushwall for answering my questions and providing me with Delta assets. The map will have a few more notable differences over its predecessor: - Advanced Naval Yard and Submarine Pen. * Named "Advanced" to highlight they are different from their normal counterparts. * Designed for Hostile Waters gameplay. * Anti-camp designs, Allied ships spawn behind a gate, Soviet submarines spawn inside and leave while submerged. * Repair zone clearly marked with a crane, no more guessing which side is the repair area. * Three defenses on the building roof(s). * Both buildings have at least one designed "naval transport landing area" for potential infantry attacks on the naval buildings. * Allied Advanced Naval Yard is of similar scale as the Sub Pen, for balance. * The game ends upon sub pen/naval yard destruction. - New Icebergs * A less eye-blinding "ice" effect! * The icebergs have two Naval Transport landing areas. * Infantry access to the icebergs adds a new dynamic; Infantry can now engage more in the gameplay of this map (Tech Level 4 infantry enabled). * Special map-unique secondary objective is on the icebergs (More info soon!). - Soviet Chinooks are disabled, in order to put the gameplay focus on naval transports for all infantry purposes. - Improved map plot (More info soon!). The map and both buildings are currently fairly well underway in development, and providing there are no unexpected surprises (and there always are), I expect to have a playable version "Soon". If anyone has any feedback on the original map, or concerns about this one, this would be the place to throw it at me...
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  8. Triple post, woop. Made a video for the Advanced Naval Yard, in-game. Keep in mind this is still somewhat a work in progress (note the lack of small crates and such), but the overal design is final. Please ignore the water in this video, it's fooked, pending overhaul.
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  9. Alright, here is the last work in progress update on the Advanced Naval Yard. Special thanks to Generalcamo for some assets. Note that this render does not include crates, containers, barrels, and whatever. Just the base model. Some textures are subject to change, if and once I get around creating new ones. As always, feedback is welcome. Edit: Don't mind the missing (black) textures, that's just a file missing.
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  10. I've got some more in the works, but for now here's another simple one:
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  11. I can't believe I forgot about that :/ I've gone back and finished what I had done before I suddenly forgot it even existed: (edit: sorry for typo >.<)
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  12. Here's an alpine border guard
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