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Showing most liked content on 03/01/2016 in all areas

  1. Next AR update on 29 February 2020 Awesome anims.
  2. I know that I am not participating, but I just want to say you are playing an epic game here, I enjoy following it Keep it up!
  3. This topic's title is the very reason NSA watches over the internet
  4. Happy Leap Year Day! It's been a while since we last did an update, though we do have a couple of new things for you guys to see. Come check it out! Hey everyone! It's been a while since we last did an update, so I just wanted to kick off this update by saying that hopefully from now on our news will be coming to you in smaller, but faster doses. This way we can provide regular updates and content drops and show you guys that we're actually working on stuff, rather than stockpiling it up in the back room to the point where it's overflowing. I've also just noticed that today only comes round once every 4 years, so Happy Leap year day! Anyway, here's a couple of new things for you guys to check out! Airforce Command HQ Build Animations moonsense715 has done a great job on bringing some life to the Allied Airforce Command HQ with some amazing work on the interior and Harrier construction animations. Take a look in this video below! Crates! Whether it be bonus cash, free vehicles or veterancy points, the humble crate will deliver. Romanov has done us proud with a great couple of models for the standard and water-based crate. Check out these great texture models below! You may have seen these without textures in our last update. More info on how crates will work in AR will be released when we talk about what surprised we want to put in them. Who knows, maybe the nasty nuke crate could resurface? That's it for now! That's it for this small update guys! Let us know if you want to get smaller, but more regular updates like this in the future and we'll try and keep up with your demands! Also, a Happy Birthday goes out to our resident Test Coordinator Nodlied! He turns a number of years old today! Wish him well guys!
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  5. A while back, the US Navy successfully launched and landed a drone aircraft from an aircraft carrier in a series of tests. Drones from aircraft carriers? I guess I don't have to feel bad anymore when I send waves of carrier planes flying into Yuri's gatling cannons. It seems someone's also unoffically retconned the carrier planes to be drones on the C&C wiki. Those Nod artillery shells in vanilla Tiberian Sun that magically home in on their targets? We've got those too now! And now...fighter jets with frickin' laser beams.
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  6. That would explain the "Allied spies". Soviets have just moved in the wrong outpost to begin with.
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  7. Hello local community. Does anyone here have GTA V? If so, I need at least three people to do some heists with. Please respond if anyone can help me out! It would be fun! Cheers, Vux
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  8. I haven't done any more animation, but here's a bunch of renders of a mech I made by putting together bits from other models!
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  9. I'm kinda glad iLikeToSnipe decided to shoot Generalcamo. I had decided that Gencam was an Allied Tech Center, a building that, in my mind, could potentially track people through GPS Satellite, and was doing some odd gambit to back up iLTS by claiming stuff we already knew. iLTS called the unlynchable role ahead of time, afterall. I figured he could do that for free if he already knew that info by being his scummate. I was going to push to take Gencam down, but now I don't have to do that. Thanks, iLTS! You stopped me falling on my face tomorrow! Now I'll just have to find another way to do that! I have basically 0 leads to go on now, so odds are better than not that I'll be stupid tomorrow. If I survive that long. "Meta-gamers" can't go unpunished, afterall. He didn't get lynched by meta. He got lynched because he didn't fit his claim to the meta that everyone else can see. We all know that roles don't always work as advertised, but they probably do. It makes it a pretty good bet. Can't complain about meta gaming. Meta gaming will always exist. That's how counter claims work, for example. "You can't be that because I am!" is a basic meta argument. "You can't have done this because that happened!" is one too. One that was used today. It could be wrong. But it probably isn't. If you always assume you know nothing, you'll never know anything.
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  10. Need For Speed: Most Wanted is free via EA Origin's "On The House" promotional program. Get it - keep it.
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