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Showing most liked content on 03/14/2016 in all areas

  1. Please Rate Here! Please Rate Here! Please Rate Here!
  2. Barely saved him... Worst idea ever, warzzone said. ...probably. We were doing fine until warzzone spotted us.
  3. Personal experience is a funny thing. This patch it's 9 allies 2 soviets. Allies can still shoot the ore silo from inside the tunnel, no need to even step out and run into mines. And an arty can easily hit both the WF and barracks from the east side of the bridge, no need to even be on it. Also, despite someone's alarmist outcry about Allied bias on Under, that map is 2 allies 8 soviets this patch. People really need to stop making wild assumptions about map balance based on one match.
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  4. verti, you always make the coolest robocraft things
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  5. Ok so here is a few ideas Maybe a secondary/alt fire that shoots an explosive that detonates 2 meters in front of the sub. Or alter the Hind cannon Or alter the grenadier to do extra naval damage Or steal a LB/ boat Or give the Soviet Naval transport depth charges? Or give up because you are the Soviets who are the best at everything who need no help.
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  6. Allied bandwagon. Under any circumstances do not let that guy drive ST again - he got us between both flamethrowers resulting in swift death.
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  7. I would rather see a GP-25 on the rifle soldier than this. I still support my suggestion, and pushwall's further comments help reinforce any doubt I had that the changes I proposed (and that he amended) would be overpowered or underpowered. The point of this thread was to determine whether or not the grenadier had use outside of infantry only maps, doing away with him would change the feel of the game significantly and remove a good portion of nostalgia (which is the reason I came to this game).
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