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Showing most liked content on 05/14/2016 in all areas

  1. Version of the W3D Hub launcher is now available. This update includes an improved package downloader for users with less stable internet conections Version of the W3D Hub launcher is now available via the automatic update mechanism. This update includes an improved package downloader which will recover from transient network drop-outs during a download. This should improve the install and update experience for users with less stable network connections. Note that this is only a first pass at improving the entire download and install process and doesn't resolve all outstanding issues. Longer network drops will still cause a failed download if it is unable to resume within the timeout period and, at present, would require downloading again from scratch at a later time. Support for resuming a download at a later time is in the development plans.
  2. AI Ore Truck. The way it just keeps on driving after it crushes your soul you is extremely traumatizing.
  3. Thanks! It's been a lot of fun to work on this project. There's still so much left to do, but I'm getting closer!
  4. Hey guys, I've been overloaded with other priorities as of late, certainly nothing I could have planned for. I'm down to very little spare time in my days and for me to put out a map worth playing, I need more time than I have right now, if I do not want to turn it into a rush job. The Fjord remake still very much is on my mind, I will get it done, but I'm going to avoid giving any further ETA's since I do not know when my RL schedule clears up. What I may end up doing instead however, just to fill the gap, is release a smaller map - not Fjord - within the next few weeks. A smaller map simply takes less time to create, so I can work on it in the time I got and still feel like it might go somewhere. No promises, except for the fact that I'll try my best.
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  6. Some preliminary DDO work.
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