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Showing most liked content on 06/02/2016 in all areas

  1. Very different, and I don't want to hear another word of bases lacking elevation differences after this one is completed. Just finished the "transitional" cave system, these are the caves leading up to the ore mines. Unfortunately since I had to proxy these as well, I cannot provide a decent image to show them, so you'll have to hold on until the map is finished. Edit: This is what that looks like, keep in mind there are a few texture seam issues to correct, a side effect from having to work with several different 3DS files for one level. Also note I made a mistake and the support beams are a bit too low, the Ore Truck bumps into them (oops): Next update will be regarding the Soviet base... After that, I'll keep the rest under wraps until release.
  2. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1226837 ^ see thread the TL;DR is people with teamviewer have claimed to have had their computers compromised, money stolen out of bank accounts by people using teamviewer to remotely access their computers. Might be worth uninstalling it till things clear up.
  3. I just remember sitting on my dad's lap while he played C&C, which I called "flopellar" as a toddler (I got that from "Low Power," I think). It got to the point where if my parents ever needed me to stay in one place for a certain amount of time, they'd just pop in the Red Alert disk and let me have fun. Heck I even got to the 4th Soviet mission before being fully potty trained. Then I remember being super excited when he took me to the store to get Red Alert 2 when it came out, and then sitting on his lap while he played through the campaigns... Man he would've LOVED APB.
  4. If memory serves me correctly, there should be a version of CamosCanyon with bots for specifically this purpose... However I do think there should be a few more bot maps, probably KotG or RidgeWar.
  6. Ok, so I'm brand new to this game, so forgive me if im wrong but shouldn't skirmish / multiplayer practice have bots to fight? I mean that's kind of an inherant component of skirmish mode.... I'm at a total loss, all the servers are completely empty and there's nothing to do in skirmish mode....so.....what gives?
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  7. A first post I notice. Welcome to our forums, Sir Walross!
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  8. Then don't use it, maybe? You're the one having problems with it. There is no 'problem', I'm simply requesting a feature to speed up the process of relaying voice commands to my team. If you have nothing constructive to provide then don't bother posting.
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  9. Sorted out my plugin issue today, so I will be able to correctly populate the level with grass, bushes, trees, and whatever else needs to be sprayed around wildly. This also means I will redo the grass on the map since from air view the grass clusters looked too round and unnatural. In other words, I need to create a few new foliage assets. On other news, there is an expanded tunnel/ore mine system beneath the castle courtyard now, with main entrances near the castle vehicle entrances, and infantry-only entrances connecting to the central "trench". The whole place has been re-textured for both consistency, and thematic logic (Why was there dry desert rocks in a wet grassland on top of grey rock formations? We will never know!). A preview will be provided once I finalize a few remaining details. Next up is the redesign of the Soviet base, which will be made more compact, but also moved closer to the castle (the location style of where it is built is also changed).
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  10. A Giant Vengeful Spirit Deer attacks!
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