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Showing most liked content on 06/14/2016 in all areas

  1. The June update for Red Alert 2: Apocalypse Rising has been released! Boris may or may not have arrived! Hi everyone, welcome to the latest AR development update! This month we have a big surprise for you in form of Boris; the Soviet's Hero unit! "Let the games begin!" Boris Field commander, elite commando, and Hero of the Soviet Union, Boris is a formidable force on the battlefield. Armed with his unique and specially modified AKM, Boris mows down enemy infantry with ease. At his highest veterancy status, he can even hold his own against anti-infantry and light vehicles. There is nothing that can stop Boris. Well, except for water. Unlike his Allied counterpart, Tanya, Boris cannot swim. Intelligence reports cannot indicate whether it is a simple refusal to swim or if he never learned how. With his extensive training and battlefield experience, Boris is a soldier without fear. In every mission, Boris will see to it that there is nothing less than victory for Mother Russia. "Russia's fate is with me." "Boris has arrived!" Model by @Romanov. MiG Aircraft After the conclusion of the Second World War and the Allies as the victors, there were dark times for the Soviet War Machine. The Soviet Airforce, once a proud and strong component of the Soviet military, was reduced to scrap metal and "civilian applications". The MiGs and Yaks that had survived the war nonetheless found themselves dismantled, their materials used to rebuild the broken Russian economy. For the purpose of self-preservation and self-defense, the Allied Forces agreed to a treaty that allowed the Soviets to retain a small contingent MiG fighters. It was this agreement that saved the remaining MiGs from complete and total destruction. Between the years of the Second World War and the later Third World War, these MiGs have found themselves collecting dust and had been practically forgotten about. The MiG fighters would not see service again until the arrival of Boris. "MiGs on the way." Model by @Romanov. Boris' Laser Pointer To destroy enemy buildings, Boris has been granted two things; access to MiGs and a laser pointer. Using the laser, Boris can point to and designate targets, marking them for destruction. Once a target has been confirmed, MiGs will fly in to do the job. Under Boris' command, the long-forgotten MiGs will see to key strategic strikes on the battlefield and proudly serve the Soviet Union once again. Model by @Romanov. Allied commando Tanya relies on C4 for building destruction, which requires entering the target building. Boris, however, can accomplish this without having to infiltrate the enemy building and simply rely on the MiGs. The laser pointer itself has considerable range, which grants the advantage to call in these airstrikes from a relatively safe distance, as pictured below. "Let's light them up." Airstrike Confirmed To see it in action, take a look at this video! Currently, the airstrike cinematic is a temporary animation and will see improvement in later development. Video created by @One Winged Angel, airstrike implemented by @moonsense715. Recruitment We are always hiring new team members to speed up AR's release! If you believe that you can help us out, you are more than welcome to help! The following positions are open: 2 Artists for modelling and texturing civilian buildings and props. 1 Artist for making nature assets (trees, bushes, etc.) 1 Character Artist 1 Texture Artist/Photoshop User (optionally Unwrapper) to help in texturing building interior objects If you wish to contribute to this project and believe you have the skills, give us a shout! If you would like to contribute to the game and believe you have the skills, don't hesitate to apply! If you DON'T know if you have the skills, send us a forum PM and we can chat. If you would like to help in areas not listed here, that is also more than welcome. To apply, just send me or One Winged Angel a Private Message (PM) via the forums and let us know which position you wish to apply for. Honesty Dev Box moonsense715: University workload is getting lower every week. Finally I can work on what I love to do. Romanov: Why is OWA always so busy? FRAYDO: I'm excited for what's to come. Romanov, though, oh man does he get it done! Model by Romanov is in here three times! Each new development from the guys here is just that much more exciting to see. If you're looking for OWA, he's busy working with Creative Assembly behind the scenes at this year's E3! End "Who is next?"
  2. "Greatest APB strats" Am I doing it right?
  3. That's why I haven't really posted anything. I started out wanting to make animations but I'm pretty lame at that so I switched to 'scenebuilding' - where you produce a nicely composed scene from various models and render that with lights and particles. I'm happy to take requests if you have anything you'd like me to have a crack at. This has been my most popular one so far: In a scene like this the actual map is an empty void. Here's a series of pictures showing how I made this: I like working with varied time periods to keep it fresh. The muskets and swords in this are from Assassin's Creed This type is my favourite, the mech here was built from generators, radiators, gibs, and pipes from Half Life 2 and Day of Defeat This is the only C&C render I've done so far. I was going to do a triptych from Dawn, Sun, and Twilight, with this as the leftmost 'Dawn' panel but I mucked up the formatting. And the rest!
  4. 0/10 Boris has no vodka holster
  5. Personally I wouldnt try to make a C&C 3 FPS thats anything like Renegade or Renegade X for the simple fact that..... a certain aformentioned group of people will begin complaining about how "x" stole "x's" game and ripped it off..... Kinda like what happened with Imperial Age. Since then, Kaskins's OFFICIAL mod, has taken a hit on players, but every now and again, you'll see a few players onlinr, its been a while since I saw more than 8 people on his server though.... As of now, I'd wait, ask EA what their plans for C&C will be, fuck..... dont bother Joe Kucan about it though, as (last I heard during an interview) he is done with C&C and does not want to be recast as Kane. Ah you must have missed that time when like 3 days ago there were 22 players on IA official server. 4-5 match straight 18-22 players were playing it, but I drop out as I need to go out do something.
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  6. Just make the Mobile Gap Generator explode like a demo truck. I'm sure that will solve the problem. ...wait what were we talking about, again?
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  7. Very nice! Those MiGs look great.
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