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Showing most liked content on 10/07/2016 in all areas

  1. Im more of combat oriented player so i rarely grab a harvester. But that money helps a lot.
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  3. Perhaps the scariest things are those who hide until the time is right.
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  4. It brings a tear to my eye seeing people so eager to harvest, and even better that people see the importance in it. Why, this reminds me of a good friend of mine - Iraq. Iraq was a man who preached the significance of harvesters in APB and Reborn. This is the man who would organize entire teams into harvesting the fields, then after dumping into the refinery would lead the team into charging the enemy as one big Ore Truck / Harvester rush. Needless to say, the enemy team could not dare stand to the might of these rushes, usually left saying "wtf" before being smushed and harvested. Good times, good times.
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