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  1. Oh don't you worry about that! Fun has definately been had all the way from the start until the end. You playing your role was the right choice. Don't you worry about that. My rage/frustration/anger/whatever posts were intended to have one of two outcomes. 1. To have you turn to town and force you to accept a town victory (mind game). 2. To ensure that town would go after now that you were confirmed scum (it's my job to take care of scum ) and to hopefully cause some distrust between the several scum and you. I didn't actually mean to cause stress to you, I hoped that you would take the kind reminder of the possible CoH match as a hint that it wasn't the case, as I know that you sometimes have hard times with these things. Alas, I failed on that part. So sorry if I caused any issues. To end this though, well played. Scummy players could afford it to mostly focus on their personal objectives while town had see if they could discard theirs in order to win. So good choices on that one. (In fact, I achieved my personal objective at the moment, but I'm renouncing that win should it come around, as I wanted a team win.) I still don't fully believe that you had plotted your betrayal from the start, but I may be proven wrong once Verti comes up with the post game statistics and his thoughts on how everyone played. In fact, your sudden turn had me scratching my head in shame and disbelief after trusting you, the same probably happened with Voe when he found out about Orange's true allegiance, showing that even the oldest and most experienced players can make the wrong judgements and fall for ruses every now and then. Props to Cat5 for kiling you (no pun intended) with Cromwells though. In case you still had any doubts, you didn't piss me off, we're good. Also, I'm pleasantly surprised about the Cat5 and Choppy doc. Great content in there. @ChopBam I did indeed post that town's loss was a forgone conclusion, which was an intended ruse. I knew I was going to die, somebody actually granting my wish to survive longer (pretty unlikely considering who probably got the debtnote with my name in it) would have somewhat helped, but could also have disturbed possible victory. However, that post was filled with hints for either Voe or Chaos_Knight on what both had to be done and what could potentially help. I knew about the ''N'' call, as you specified that many times, both in public and in private. The defeatist attitude was meant to sway scum to not to pay too much attention to me or to have them let me live longer for the fun of it. People who know me well enough know that I don't give up until the game is truly over. (Which, again, I hoped they would pick up on.) Oh, and @Category 5 Hurricane, I won't stop my crusade against anime. You wondered about the point of it all, there isn't one really, I just enjoy it. Used to hate it for just about any reason, don't really care about it these days, but mislabeling, attacking and crusading is still enjoyable. Most of all, well played to you lads! Although I still question Mojoman's motives on D6.
  2. It's been a while, here's what I've done in the interim: I returned to Rapture again, this time I did a piece from inside a crumbling tunnel. I spent a lot of time on the background details on this one, and then ended up covering it all up in glass and so on... I haven't stopped experimenting with isometric formats either. Here's a tired coal miner. I want to do more portraits but I always have trouble thinking of ideas for interesting people to draw. And this one's a small farm. Again isometric, and this time working on using a simple, bright pallet to try a cleaner style.
  3. Woah woah woah, man. Hold the phone. Apparently Nodlied's guilt-trip really hit home. You really don't have anything to be ashamed of KY. You were playing the role you were given and placed yourself in good position. I think you made a great villain, and great stories need great villains. Playing the way you did made the game better as you gave town (and me) something to fight against. I can't speak for what Nodlied was saying, but when it came to the comments I was making about you, I was doing so hoping to get the three of you to get suspicious of each other and maybe open a way to victory as a result. Emotional warfare was the only tool I thought I had to stop you all from winning. Thanks to ChopBam, that wound up not being necessary. Just like with Jeod, trying to stop you wasn't personal. Because of the events of the game, you weren't on my side, therefore I wanted to stop you. I do want to see you continue playing, as you've improved greatly in a short period of time and are a great player to have around. Don't take these things personal. We're not playing town vs mafia for real, and we don't (normally) have a choice on how to play or which goals to achieve. When you have to play scum, you can't feel bad about it.
  4. Bumping this thread: For the next 24 hours or so, Chivalry, Medieval Warfare, is free on steam. As in install it now you get to keep it free. It's a pretty fun objective based multiplayer sword and arrow fps.
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  5. Well that was fun, even though I have to admit that I felt like town was doomed from the get go. Kira(s) had an unkillable, untrackable floating rainbow tree on their side (seriously, even that role of mine was more vulnerable and had more ways to die/lose than Jeod/Ryuk in this game) + it started off as 5 Task Force, 4 suspects and 1 Shinigami. I'll state it right here that my objective was to eliminate all competition which included both Task Force and other Kiras. Sure enough I decided that it felt wrong for Mello to go on like it, so I stuck to the Task Force, and kept my personal objective as a back up plan of "revenge" should police die out though it never went in motion. What it felt like to me personally is that Task Force became sort of fodder while Kiras played their mind games and plans. IMO Vert needed 1 less Kira and 1 more police guy to balance it all out. Props to Orange on the good game though. And KY, don't feel too bad, though Nodlied and you should prob. sort it out IMO just to make sure that stuff is ok.
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  6. Thoughts overall: That was a crazy ride, and my first *real* time playing a mafia game, though I'd been familiar with it and some similar games for awhile now. For the record (cause I see in the dead player doc people talking about it ) I actually had calculated I probably was going to die before the end. However, one of the first things I always look for when playing any game is if my survival is actually needed to win. In this case, it wasn't. That's *very* fitting for Teru. It meant, when it was time to go all in, i could without regard for my own survival. However, I had intended on KY carrying the torch after I died, at least by the point in the game when I got shot. I felt bad about killing Voe first, and was honestly going to help KY win if I could, so how he played in the end kind of surprised me. I was also more than happy to try and help Jeod win, but oddly, Mojo's antics ALMOST made me start to suspect Jeod was going to backstab me for awhile, as if Ryuk had another protege waiting in the wings and I was about to be discarded like dirty laundry. I'll also say, I started the game without the foggiest clue who was task force and who was not. I think that actually really helped me in my role, because it forced me to legitimately act investigative. I had to help the town find the bad guys, because I needed to talk to the other bad guys in person. Thus for the first few days I was just playing town legit. At the end, when I came up with the plan we executed, which was actually a Plan C so to speak, an offhand thought I had while trying to find a way to get heat off myself after Mojo was investigated, I had not yet even discovered who KY was. I took a big gamble just outright asking if he wanted in on the plan, and thankfully I hit the jackpot. The moment of revelation in our doc is pretty funny, worth everyone checking out. We'd talked the first day with both of us pretending to be town, and then the second day I'm basically like "hey kid, wanna make twenty dollars?" and it all comes together. I learned a lot, though. I definitely slipped in my argument with Cat 5, but I kinda did it on purpose, because by then it didn't really matter and I wanted to check out his playstyle for future reference. I also learned a lot from Jeod, and from Nodlied actually. I suspected a Nod-CK team early on but was very surprised by how that relationship eventually evolved, and I found past that point that Nod was great at finding info as town, and that's something I hope I can manage in future games.
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  7. I've always found the golden wrench useful to use, and I've never been particularly annoyed if an enemy used it while I was attacking. The golden wrench contributes to a dynamic that sets this game apart from Renegade: there are single units that can very quickly destroy (demolition trucks, tanyas) and single units that can very quickly repair (golden wrenches), making for gameplay that is more interesting and less stale. It encourages strategy and risk, which includes the rewarding feeling of rushing into a besieged building to eliminate those pesky yellow hats. Golden wrenches also make the barracks more important. One of the main deciding factors as to whether I'll target the barracks is to eliminate opposing engineers from the round. It's also RA-listic, and while this can't be an important reason by itself, there should be some things in this game that point directly to Red Alert, and I believe single-use engineer repairs are one of them.
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