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Showing most liked content on 04/17/2017 in all areas

  1. An idea building off of what NodGuy said: what if the map did not have a Barracks (making it the ONLY map with buildings to lack one! ...besides Lunar which doesn't really count because its WF has the functions of the Bar/Silo/Hpad also built into it) but Engineers were able to be bought anyway? Not only does that solve the "Barracks got rushed insta-lose" issue for good, but it also stops iceberg campers from having too much impact since the only infantry you get are rifles, techies, sergeants, captains and engineers - especially once I patch naval armour to be more resistant to bullets. They can still get some anti-naval/air weapons from the crates to give them some impact, especially the Allies whose captains can't hit submerged subs, but they can't refill these rapidly enough for people to sit on the icebergs forever ramboing every vehicle that comes their way, due to the crate spawn rate/distance and how they'll have to rush all the way back to their LST every so often to make use of its refill feature if they can't get good crates, which also gives another good reason for people to destroy them which reduces the clutter issue! It wouldn't hamper LST rushes that much either as sergeants/captains/engineers are perfectly viable LST rush infantry - you only miss out on the extra benefits of a medic/flamethrower. I could even put a Missile Silo in the empty space previously occupied by the Barracks, to give LST attacks more presence in spite of the limited infantry. I feel Pacific Threat doesn't really suffer the same issue of what NodGuy said because it only takes about 20 seconds and no transport for you to wade a rifleman over to any annoying rocket soldiers.
  2. Hello everyone, I had an opportunity to play APB earlier today and I realized Hostile Waters was removed from the map rotation. Recently I had a conversation with Pushwall about this map, so that decision doesn't surprise me. But what I personally haven't been able to determine is why people dislike the map? So here is a poll, I'll give it a few days to let it generate a clear result. I'll discuss my options with Pushwall after that, so that I might perhaps obtain the updated assets and do some overhauls - if the map itself is the problem. Meanwhile, let me know in this thread what you believe could be the problem Hostile Waters has that causes it to make players leave the server when it comes up in rotation, and I'm open to suggestions.
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  3. Problem there is scaling health. Objects' health maximums are set in stone, so reducing health would be pointless as people could repair it anyway, and would be detrimental to an attack team if the player count changed during their attack anyway. Oh, you got that NY down to 100/750 health? Too bad, someone left in anger and now the playercount says it should be 650 health, so it's back up to 650/750 health now. Who needs golden wrenches when you can just ragequit? And I get the feeling swapping out the entire building controller for a new one will not fly (last time I remember spawning a building controller midgame it led to a crash), and even if it did, it would fully heal it every time the player count changed anyway. There's a reason the defense logic is handled by replacing the armour class with a different one. Which you can't do with actual buildings because buildings have two armour types: one for the exterior and one for the MCT. I haven't tried using the armour replace script on it but there are clearly 4 things that could happen, ranging from undesirable to nothing: it replaces the exterior armour and not the MCT (meaning repairs and infantry assaults are equally effective at all player counts) it replaces the MCT armour but not the exterior (so it only affects repairs and infantry assaults, and not naval/air rushes) it replaces both armour types with the same new armour type (so the MCT and walls behave identically, either making repairs/infantry assaults completely ineffectual if we choose the exterior armour, or making repairs too easy because a golden wrench works from anywhere if we choose the MCT armour) it doesn't replace any armour (so it just doesn't work) Also, Allies already win too easily by Longbow rushing the sub pen. Scaling its health down as it becomes easier to amass the 5 longbows required for a kill sounds... counterintuitive? Same goes for armour, though to a lesser extent if it follows the same "don't affect limited-ammo units" rule as defenses - but if the LBs fail, the rocket soldier pilots will just have an even easier time finishing the job. Maybe the "rushes too easy to spot" issue can be fixed by fog being even thicker than it already is - but then Longbows become even more overpowered at base destruction - something that is, again, normally not an huge issue (but still something I'll be nerfing with slightly lower building damage) as on other maps it's not too hard to spot an LB rush before it happens and then either intercept with rockets/TTs or just engy-camp the expected building - the latter being the only option here. Maybe the sub pen needs a set of battlements made out of indestructible SAM sites, devised by the Soviets after seeing how incredibly effective the castle is on Siege?
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  4. But to do this their damage has to be turned into 100% splash damage. Which means that damage is calculated based on where the server thinks you hit instead of where you hit. Pre-delta has shown that to be a Bad Thing since it often caused TTs to do about half as much damage as they should do - if their anti-vehicle damage was all splash instead of partially splash like it was back then, you'd get to enjoy direct hits sometimes doing no damage whatsoever. Splash still has to exist against infantry since it's hard to directly hit them anyway, but for vehicles it would be dumb outside of fringe cases like the Arty/V2 which have large blast radii and aren't expected to be able to directly hit every time. Something I remember from Renegade's campaign (which I might be misremembering completely) is that damage-over-time effects actually worked against vehicles. If this was actually a thing and I'm not misremembering, finding a way to bring that back could be a possibility to bypass directional armour multipliers... but then we run into the problem where no matter how many shocks/TTs you have attacking the same vehicle, they'd all put out the same damage as a single one because DOT effects don't stack. Which isn't really an issue against infantry because while shocks/TTs rely almost entirely on that effect against them, it only takes two DOTs from a shock or one from a TT to kill standard infantry. Ok, done. By which I mean it's already +/-25% and has been since the start of Delta.
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