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Showing most liked content on 06/19/2017 in all areas

  1. Wait, are you saying I can heal enemy buildings as a tech/engine?
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  2. There's a thread for this already and I already plan to fix things. Also you seem to be missing a very crucial point which is that it is overpowered on Pacific Threat and Fissure and nearly useless everywhere else. (e: okay this was covered in the poll but not at all in the post.) Why make it even more useless on other maps instead of finding ways to shift the balance to nerf it on those 2 maps while making it more relevant on vehicle maps, i.e. what I was going through in the other thread?
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  3. People never expect a V2 to end up in there. I do my best to surprise them.
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  4. I've always liked the satisfying hitmarks and subsequent damage on tank and rocket bodyshots. The missiles flying through bodies isn't intuitive for newbies and doesn't make sense outside of this gameplay idea.
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  5. I'm just going to drop this in for discussion - I'm too out of the loop to offer nuanced opinion one way or another. I recall some time ago in AR we deliberately made infancy more bullet spongey to compensate for map sizes - an issue APB shares IIRC. With weak infantry you end up with gameplay that looks like this; 2 minute walk to enemy base 10 seconds fight then dead Repeat ad infinitum. Assuming war factory is out of action or you have no cash. After a couple of cycles that gets really old really fast. If infantry are too fragile it becomes really hard for them to be at all effective at attacking an enemy base, especially with long travel times. Some food for thought ☺️
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