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  1. the regular guy rush would like a word with you enough 5.56mm rounds and that tank is toast!
  2. It's all very well saying that something is "boring", but if they can't say why it's "boring" other than the fact that certain Infantry match-ups vs Tanks are unfavourable for the Infantry then they may as well be stating the obvious; that's the way the game is inherently designed, with counters in mind. It's not an unknown point that basic infantry don't do well against tanks. They didn't do well in Renegade, they still don't do well in Renegade X (even with C4) and they don't do well in other games in the FPS genre; for example, try taking on a tank in Battlefield using a class that isn't the Engineer and you're going to have a bad time. I can see that the idea of "more variety = better" sounds good in theory, but that isn't always the case. More variety adds more complexity to the game, which in turn drives up the skill ceiling and makes the game harder to grasp for newer players. It's very important that when you are considering to add something to an established game ecosystem that you introduce features that have strong reasoning behind their inclusion. On the subject of APB though, I think the main difference here is that APB isn't trying to be Renegade, whereas Renegade X IS. Obviously you're going to enjoy Renegade X more if you prefer Renegade, but the fact of the matter is the choices made in APB are made in order to give infantry clearly defined roles that have strengths and weaknesses, which makes team composition a LOT more important in rushes and such. In Renegade X, there's not much consequence for picking a single type of infantry class and rolling with it, because: Every infantry has C4, which means they can combat vehicles to a certain extent and attack structures effectively (this is true with Renegade as well). Every infantry has the option to buy a repair gun, which really de-values the role of the Engineer classes. Every infantry has the option to buy additional weapons, which conversely powers up Engineer classes and allows them to do fill in the gameplay roles of other classes (which, in-turn, de-values other classes). It's almost as if there's an active discouragement in infantry unit diversity because the intention is to let all of the classes buy weapons to fill most of the gameplay roles, apart from more specialist units such as Snipers, the SBH, Anti-Tank specialists and the more expensive versions of them. There are no truly specialist infantry classes in RenX (like the Spy or Thief), who can do unique interesting gameplay things that place them outside of the arbitrary roles of: "Anti-Infantry", "Anti-Tank", "Generalist" or "Engineer". Every character class has a gun that is good at shooting a certain type of thing (which is inherited from Renegade) and the buy-able weapons blur the lines across those four basic class categories even more. Basically, if you make everyone special, then nobody is special. I'm not sure what they mean when they say "Renegade X has more features". In terms of vehicles, APB has a LOT more. Granted Renegade X just introduced that commander view feature which seems cool, but I couldn't get it to work properly last time I played, so I can't form an opinion on it. It's very hard to say that one game has more features than another without establishing a baseline of what a feature is and then counting them up. Though both games have a good amount of features, I'd say. tl;dr - Variety is the spice of life, but it's not always the answer. Personally I think the reason that APB has fairly low player-counts is just a problem of exposure. There's not enough people talking about the game outside of the community to generate more interest. It's not a problem with the game itself, because it is really fun to play.
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  3. spai forg0ten1 ended up dying without killing totd.
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  4. Let me try to fix his post... (Yellow is punctuation/capitalization/spelling corrections I've done.) TL;DR seems to be, "It could be cool, but it might change the game too much to be good."
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  6. Allied Chronosphere In the Second World War against Stalin's war machine, the Chronosphere was an invaluable asset for the Allied Forces. Following the war's conclusion Albert Einstein continued to improve upon the Chronosphere from his Black Forest laboratory, effectively removing the drawbacks the previous iteration had. Chrono vortexes would no longer appear, nor would personnel inside vehicles become lost in the teleportation. Additionally, more units can now be teleported at once. The new and improved Chronosphere would not be ready for use until late in the Third World War, but once deployed it turned the tide in the Allies' favour, much as it did in the Second World War. Video by @FRAYDO Model by @Romanov "You are aware, ja, of my Chronosphere, a device which is capable of moving matter through time und through space!" - Professor Einstein Recruitment ATTENTION all fans! We are looking for new staff members: LEVEL DESIGNERS! (if you can create terrain like this, or can complete the tutorial, please apply!) 2D/3D Artists for modelling/texturing civilian buildings and small props (Autodesk Maya, 3ds Max, AutoCad, Blender or Photoshop/Gimp) Character Artists (feel like modeling some simple soldiers, or maybe Premier Romanov? ) A person with free time who wants to get into modeling/map-making (we will help you) An enthusiastic person who has a lot of free time, wants to help in development, can use a computer and speaks english (no skills needed!!!) To apply, just send @moonsense715 or @One Winged Angel a PM (Private Message) via the forums and let us know which position you wish to apply for. Note that you can include working here in your CV when applying for a job. A lot of W3D Hub Staff members got their current real jobs thanks to the experience gained here. No skills? Need a lesson/tutorial on something W3D? Ask! We can provide a lesson or create a written/video tutorial on how to model, texture, etc. You can find out current roster of tutorials here. Additionally, if there is a group of at least 3 people who want to get into modeling, map-making or learn about the W3D engine, we will launch an online training course. Any volunteers? [blurb]"You are aware, ja, of my Chronosphere, a device which is capable of moving matter through time und through space!" - Professor Einstein[/blurb]
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