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Showing most liked content on 07/21/2018 in all areas

  1. Hey everyone, I noticed that it's been over a year since the last time someone posted on Reddit. Crazy considering how big the platform is and could bring in a lot of new players by just talking about the game, sharing pictures, and so forth. I decided to make two quick topics on r/gaming and r/commandandconquer. It would be extremely helpful to go upvote and comment on these and get them noticed. Please take some time to do this and get some new faces on the servers!
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  2. I bring you great news! You will be happy to know that rank images for A Path Beyond are working again! In order to grab your rank image, find yourself in the ladder (it can be Overall or Monthly), open your stats page and scroll on down to the bottom. At the bottom of your user stats page you will find this. From there, you can copy and paste the BB code and include your rank image in your forum signature! You can do this where BB code is applicable, meaning you can include this in your forum signature on other forums you may visit besides our own. It's free advertising for your friend FRAYDO. Please report any bugs or issues you may find with our rank images. Not being rank #1 despite being the best APB player ever is an issue I cannot help you with. You will have to topple our top rank players one by one until you get there! In closing, I present to you our current Top 5 in the Overall Ladder. Impressive scores across the board! Do you have what it takes to place yourself at the top of the ranking ladder? [thumb]thumb_apb.e.png [/thumb] [blurb]Rank images for APB are working again! Grab yours today from the new stats page and show it off![/blurb]
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  3. Did someone say DRAMA?!
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  4. Wouldn't want to be the guy who gets killed by a street sweeper. But hey at least you'll be a very clean corpse, hooray for bright sides.
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  5. All I have to say is in the following couple of weeks I highly reccomend this site gets a "downloads page" section It's planned.
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