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Showing most liked content on 12/27/2018 in all areas

  1. I think this idea would only increase the problem. Right now I feel the HT barely wins over the MED in direct combat, but just as you pointed out, in the HT, it's harder to land every shot. I think one of the reasons the shots are harder to land is because of the double barrels; the two barrels simply can't have the same aim, so you'll miss a shot or two in a pinch. I feel that right now the outcome of MED vs HT is thus dependant on the 'skill' of the HT driver to land every shot with his two barrels. If he can, HT wins. If he misses some, MED wins (Offcourse dodging and maneoevering play into this as well) A HT ROF increase and damage decrease will actually increase the skills needed to operate the HT, whilst leaving the MED for what it is. Ultimately, I think Push has a point (I mean the guy is busy with APB balancing 24/7). This may be the best balance possible without making one of the tanks useless.
  2. Also people seem to be forgetting that a long reload is not entirely a downside. In any situation where there is enough cover for a tank to hide behind the heavy tank is favoured over the allied tanks because it can spend more time in hiding due to not having to fire as frequently, and any amount of time where a tank is loaded but can't fire back due to the enemy tank being obscured is wasted DPS - less wasted for the heavy since it has longer periods of being unloaded and unable to fire back.
  3. Red Alert's manual disagrees with you Red Alert disagrees with you (strength means hp) ; medium tank [2TNK] Strength=400 Armor=heavy ; heavy tank [3TNK] Strength=400 Armor=heavy Don't Soviets dominate T5 maps enough already?
  4. For a small buff, remove the turret restriction from the fuel drums mounted on the back? It's a balancing feature from the original releases of APB long before the team had any access to W3D engine code. Should the drums be kept because they were on the original Westwood render they could be mounted lower.
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  5. It's called balance. If the tanks reflected their RA strength Soviets would just win every game and nobody would want to play Allies. Even the way it is the game is still Soviet favoured but definitely not to that degree. The MBT game has remained mostly unchanged for the past few years because nobody's actually seen the MBT game as the problem. The way Soviet wins get less frequent the lower the tech level (Guard Duty, Canyon River, NBNW are among the Allies' best maps) suggests it's more likely shockkovs are the problem - maybe if those are nerfed we can make HTs a bit better., but the trouble is, the power gap between it and the Mammoth is already much smaller than it was in pre-Delta so you can't buff it without pushing the Mammoth closer to obsolescence, and you can't nerf the Medium because it already seems to be obsoleted by the Light judging by peoples' preferences, so tweaking the HT would mean tweaking every MBT and destroying a meta that's been accepted for a few years now.
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