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Showing most liked content on 01/02/2019 in all areas

  1. As we roll into 2019, W3D Hub is proud to unveil another mod in the works! Tiberian Dawn: Ground Zero is an upcoming first/third person tactical shooter, based on the original Command & Conquer. Taking the lead on this project is Killing_You, with ICE as co-producer. The Ground Zero team will be taking a more methodical and tactical approach to combat, as opposed to what is normally seen in W3D games. A balanced force will be required to control the battlefield. Vehicles will not play as prominent a role as before, but a Mammoth Tank or two certainly doesn't hurt! "GDI Mammoth Tank approaching the enemy base." Infantry is split into classes: General (Minigunners, able to take on any target, but not as efficient as other classes), Anti-Tank (Rocket Soldiers, designed to kill vehicles and defenses), Demolition (Grenadier/Flamethrower, good vs infantry and structures), Engineers (area securing unit, will be able to place/clear mines, sandbags, and hedgehogs), Support (Medic/Chem Warrior, will be able to heal allied infantry and hurt enemy infantry), and Commandos (self explanatory, effective vs infantry and MCTs). More details regarding classes will follow in a later blog. "GDI Commando overlooking the battlefield." "But how do we know that this one will actually come out, and not get canceled?" Excellent question! Unlike some other projects we've had previously, this one is designed to be less ambitious, and relatively easy to develop. In fact, the testers will be able to touch it at the same time that you read this! And we're always taking testing applications! Contact our Testing Directors for more info or head here. "Nod Flame Tank on the prowl." Thank you to everyone that has helped get us to this point! Be on the lookout for more to come! "GDI Harvester gathering Tiberium." [blurb]As we roll into 2019, W3D Hub is proud to unveil another mod in the works! Tiberian Dawn: Ground Zero is an upcoming first/third person tactical shooter, based on the original Command and Conquer![/blurb]
  2. Since November 2016, Interim Apex has been seeing complete overhauls in new damage systems and visual aesthetics of the multitude of vehicles and structures! This upcoming build will deliver even more of that! The long-awaited new naval warfare is here! Captain ships from Frigates to Battleships and wrest control of the seas from the enemy. Masters of the seas who rule the tides will turn the tide of battle on land. On another note, barriers and barricades have been readjusted. Players have noted that they may have been too strong, and as such we have come up with a solution! The introduction of the Bangalore Torpedo Engineers and Sapper Class will allow players to clear obstacles with ease thanks to these units having the proper equipment for the job. Currently, there is no changelog until the second update. There's just so much stuff yet to be overhauled! However, we do have a log of some units that will be removed for the time being. BS-3 100mm Gun (WIP overhauling) ZIS-3 75mm Gun (WIP overhauling) M163 Vulcan (being phased out temporarily) And in returning units, the Nod Sa-8 Gecko stands to challenge the GDI Mim-72 Chaparral. The Gecko is an anti-aircraft unit tasked with keeping the skies clear for Nod. For maximum efficiency against GDI's air wings, the turrets are automated. While on the subject of aircraft, they too have been overhauled, both visually and in controls! The GDI Orca. The staple of the GDI air force, and an excellent support unit in any advance. The Nod Apache. While not as impressive as the GDI Orca, the Apache still boasts firepower to tackle ground threats as they approach. New Constructions Options! Introducing 2 new features. The Tiberium Field will soon be depleted and require some sort of alternative way to "Grow" Tiberium. Now both faction has introduced some sort of contraption which is to accelerate the growth of Tiberium crystals as they are now can be easily depleted when you over harvest. Above is a example of the GDI Pioneer ( Nod Pioneer has one too ) but this I show an example. SInce the introduction of barriers, barricades and obstacles, both side find it rather annoyance to deal with. Now with the introduction of Bangalore Torpedo to both GDI and Nod respectively, you can find them in the Nod/GDI Sapper or Engineer unit. They must be place relatively close to the obstacle that you want to clear, once you deploy them you must ignite the fuse by simple keep repairing it, as the fuse goes live, stand clear as it will detonate shortly. There will be 3 consecutive explosions. Last but not least, the long awaited upcoming map - Winter Assault! It has taken me a long while to optimize it, and I will continue to further optimize after initial release. One could ask, "Is that it? After two years of development?" Worry not! There is much more to be implemented yet, but until then join the server and see for yourself the massive changes in-game! See you on the battlefield! [blurb]Since November 2016, Interim Apex has been seeing complete overhauls in new damage systems and visual aesthetics of the multitude of vehicles and structures! This upcoming build will deliver even more of that![/blurb]
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