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Showing most liked content on 02/03/2019 in all areas

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  2. haha you're a moderator we trust and can't afford to delegate to mere PR duty. How dare you be competent at your moderation duties
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  3. Want a job? The propaganda team could use a man of your skills. I've recently hired on Hiramaky, and the Game Night we held in January was quite a success. We'll be working on organizing more game nights and potentially inviting YouTubers for coverage. Testament and I are also discussing paid advertisement to expand our outreach. The AMA thread has our current PR strategy, and our outreach can only get better as more C&C Remasters updates brings fans old and new in. Stay tuned!
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  4. FRAYDO told me I won. I was sure I wasn't going to win, so I didn't even wanted to look... I am surprised. Thanks for giving me the 3rd place. I am greatfully impressed.
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