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Showing most liked content on 02/14/2019 in all areas

  1. Hello! I want to warn you right away that my knowledge of English is low, so I use an online translator to compose this text. To begin with, I’ve heard a lot about your community, but I’ve always been from the outside. However, I want to become a member of W3dHub, so I compiled this text. My name is Nikolay, I am from Russia, I play in Renegade approximately since 2009 (maybe sooner or later - at that time I was still a child), I play at the amateur level (I do not attend tournaments). Mostly played on MPF, but due to internal problems I practically don’t visit him (yes, to whom it is addressed - he will understand), he even once managed to found a project called UltimateBattles, which died safely about a month ago, although before that the project was closed twice and opened twice. I know that there are players with whom I already know - MPF, UB players, etc. I am already familiar with you, especially with the MPF moderators, who have a pronounced watchman syndrome. Well, I'm not talking about that. I repeat, I am writing this to meet you. I am still writing this text, but I already had an early question: “where to start?"
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  2. View File TacoMolition Truck by Tesla066 Originally created by user Tesla066 for APB Beta in 2007 (when the TACO clan was still around). All I have done is updated the texture names to work with APB Delta. Simply extract the texture files into your APB install's data folder, which is located at "C:\Program Files (x86)\W3D Hub\games\apb-release\data" by default. Thats it! Enjoy! Submitter Einstein Submitted 02/13/2019 Category Custom Textures
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