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Showing most liked content on 09/28/2019 in all areas

  1. I do indeed believe that I would have achieved my objective if it wasn't for that RNG lynch. Have I been infected with Fraydo's? Where's Verti and his brightly coloured pills when you need him? I'd also like to acknowledge Chopbam's determined defense. The case on him was solid from a town perspective and thus he had to hold his ground against all odds. And held he did. Well done lad!
  2. GAME OVER - TOWN WINS The final scum decided to surrender if Mojoman didn't detonate the Smart Bomb on ChopBam. Not only did Mojoman choose not to detonate, but the scum was also roleblocked preventing a kill, assuring their death via lynch the next day. iLikeToSnipe, the scum Majora, has been defeated! Noteworthy Players Congratulations to @Louis who despite having to be at work for a good portion of the game, was able to sneak past town scumdar long enough for her partner to do the heavy lifting and nearly pull off a victory! For your first time as scum, watching you play was quite the twist. Congratulations to @FRAYDO for surviving long enough to bare teeth! Is it the college courses that are making your Ace Attorney persona grow, or has it always been there? Congratulations to @Killing_You for keeping his head in the game the entire time and contributing immensely to the town cause! Congratulations to @iLikeToSnipe for jumping in to replace a scum and keeping a cool head throughout the game--I really appreciate you coming in despite knowing you'd be one scum down already. Congratulations to @Shade939 for nailing the first scum, even though it was pure luck that Orange was scum and not actually scumhunting merit! Congratulations to @Mojoman for finding his town game and making massive contributions to the final days of discussion! Congratulations to @Nodlied for having the audacity to fart on so many players and even sending DK away! You'd likely have won if not for RNG. Congratulations to @ChopBam for standing his ground and putting up a superb town defense in the face of scum deception! The Game Data Excel Spreadsheet Scumdoc Wii Fit Trainer's Gym Gym Log Charm Doc 1 (FRAYDO & iLikeToSnipe) Charm Doc 2 (FRAYDO & ChopBam) Dead Doc Special Thanks I want to thank all players for supporting mafia games. Mafia never happens without the players. In particular, @Category 5 Hurricane didn't need to play since he was on vacation, but did anyway. I'm sorry I didn't have more time to tweak the setup and create something as neat as EndGame Mafia, but I think this game still turned out decent enough to entertain everyone.
  3. This has to be my favorite game of mafia so far. It was a fun puzzle to solve, and Mafia did a great job of hiding and bending the truth in their favor. Everyone did a good job!
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  4. If no one objects, I think I'll try my hand at a Halloween CYOR mafia to start sometime early-mid October.
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  5. May you be blessed by the spirit of Horthy. ##cane FRAYDO
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  6. Seeing the Cyborg Reaper look so tiny when compared with the large soldiers makes me giggle. It's like a cyborg replicator.
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