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Showing most liked content on 10/04/2019 in all areas

  1. TS:R news coming up! More on scaling, new arms, introducing the new Mobile EMP prototype, and discussion of the GDI AAPC. Scaling In the previous update, we were showing you the coding and magic being worked on for scaling infantry. Yah-Nosh has put together a video for fun exhibiting his work in that. "Even as famine ravages the planet, GDI continues to deny that its food shipments are being tampered with." At the end of the day, the work that has gone into scaling now allows us to correct infantry sizes with respect to their build (i.e. Cyborgs are taller than humans) and without causing issues in worldbox collisions and getting stuck on certain doorways. New Arms CMDBob has completed new arms for our brothers of Nod. Kane has been loathed to attack America, but I feel it's time, and you're the one to do it is pleased with these changes. Elite Cadre New Arms Generic Nod Soldier New Arms Generic Nod Soldier New Arms (Engineer) Nod Flame Trooper New Arms Nod Flame Trooper New Arms (Red Sleeves) The New Mobile EMP Preliminary testing of the Mobile EMP has shown that the vehicle poses two issues: 1) it was too boring to sit inside and simply fire off the EMP at the click of a mouse and 2) it was not fun to play against when the EMP cannot be feasibly defensed against before being hit. Deliberation with the development team has led to the experimental rollout of the new Mobile EMP, or the MEMP-tillery as some soldiers have come to call it. Others also say MEMPY, but we don't talk about those soldiers. GDI R&D, led by the Chief Wizards of Crazy Game Ideas, otherwise known as Raap and OWA, have completed their prototype and deployed it for field testing. The new Mobile EMP offers a different gameplay approach to GDI forces. This MEMP lobs a ball of EMP energy, disabling enemy vehicles where the strike lands, replacing the too easy and too boring button-push gameplay of the previous iteration. In this method, GDI drivers will need to more carefully play this vehicle on the field, while faster Nod vehicles can move to outrace the lob and close the distance. This change is going through extensive testing to ensure this variation of the MEMP delivers more fun gameplay for both sides in using it and fighting against it. Weaponise the AAPC? Discussion has surfaced in the development chat of possibly weaponising the GDI AAPC. Some team members argue the AAPC needs something to allow it to better support frontal infantry assaults, while conservative team members argue the AAPC functions in its role well enough as-is and needs no changes. In support of the weaponisation, OWA has put together some variation concepts. Other ideas for changing the AAPC include allowing it to refill C4 and armour, provide smokescreen, and electronic countermeasures. It should be noted, and I cannot stress this enough: This is all completely conceptual. If you have an opinion of the GDI AAPC, whether in favour of weapons or against changes, you are welcome to voice your suggestions and concerns. That should be about it for this update. Have I missed anything? Anything you are curious of at this time regarding development progress and want it featured in the next update? Let us know! [blurb]TS:R news coming up! More on scaling, new arms, introducing the new Mobile EMP prototype, and discussion of the GDI AAPC.[/blurb]
  2. If it's not to late to sign up I'll join
  3. We're actually removing all maps from Reborn 2.0 so no one has an advantage or disadvantage. The Second Tiberium War will be fought on a flat plane.
  4. Ghosts and ghouls, it is now Spooky Season! Get those spooky (or not-so-spooky) avatars up! Also some announcements: We will begin a series of Meet The Staff blogs to introduce you to our staff, in case you wonder who actually works here. Schedule TBD. Our Discord server has hit over 800 members! Now where are all those people when we are gaming? Retaliation is hosting a Choose Your Own Role mafia, Spooky Scary Scumhunting! Those interested in playing forum games may sign up today! TS:R news update coming this Thursday, 3/10. Look for it! [blurb]Ghosts and ghouls, it is now Spooky Season! Get those spooky (or not-so-spooky) avatars up![/blurb]
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  5. Yes, arms change more quickly than some people think.
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  6. Heh, my regular avatar fits perfectly.
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