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Showing most liked content on 02/12/2020 in all areas

  1. Im the only one who wants to see a leopard 2 on gdi arsenal... or the tiger 1 or 2 on the forgotten war Factory idk it Will be cool to see tanks from ww2 on the forgotten arsenal xD
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  2. Hi yeah, apology for tat was cleaning some weapons preset. The proximity mine was named "C4" instead of "Proximity_C4" and when I cleanup I forget to relink the powerup name.
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  3. Mammoth win ery time
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  4. We all would. However, there is a new GDI tank already modeled/developed and is able to detect stealth set to premiere later on in the year after testing. It might be the leopard 2... I for one vote for the Tiger 1 / 2 as it's an awesome tank. However, this mod is almost entirely one man who is quite busy with life. The fact we're here is quite amazing in my opinion and these things take time. Kaskins/dblaney have developed all these maps (And recently vile facility) , vehicles, adjustments/balances and such like ships. So it's quite alot to do. The good news however, is there is a new drone R/C unit about to be input in the game for scouting and to drive around (it's awesome). A new patch was just put out. Also if you're looking for some German WW2 Tankage.. the O-13 something from the forgotten war factory is actually the Hetzer Tank irl. Nod also has a bunch of WW2 Tanks. They are however so ineffective late game (or after 5 minutes honestly) that modeling more is just a gimmick if anything. The gun on a Tiger (88mm) is pathetic compared with anything this game has. In addition, the engine is slow, and it's armor I don't think was ever designed to stand up to dual 120mm Railguns. To model a unit which almost sees no use in reality besides "wow, this is cool!" then *Novelty worn off. Whatever* is not as good of a usage of time than making actual new units/weapons and models for the game that greatly can affect gameplay.
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  6. I just always end up using the 2S9 Nona Mortar to destroy GDI buildings in the course of 1 minute. Gather a rush of 3 and you can destroy a building with it in 10-20 seconds. This doesn't answer the Nod vs GDI water combat thing, but Nod has this often overlooked unit that can stay very hidden they never use and it pains me i'm always the only one using it (to great effect if i may add). ADATS rush wise, I just use the Tunguska against them and pray for the best. Of course, any rush ADATS or not is nearly impossible to hold back against if your team isn't united against it.
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