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Showing most liked content on 02/25/2020 in all areas

  1. Hi there and it is unfortunate that we meet like this where your actions causes a chain reaction and this make no excuses. We did put in the rule but i am afraid you may not get another chance as your repeated actions are more of an intention based from what I see. I would advise think properly before saying something next time.
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  2. You could always just go hard and be really OP yourself. If you (or anyone else) would like to see a custom tank in this game. You can always make the model yourself, sound settings, textures, objects.ddb associated with it then test it and give it to Kaskins when you feel it's complete. There are currently a billion things he's trying to do on his own in terms of balance and new things. So making a whole new model by himself whilst balancing work isn't exactly easy. Doing it yourself though will grant a greater chance of it happening.
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  3. Wiki's only work if people actually put the effort in to keep them up to date. Every single W3D based wiki has fallen into decay quite quickly because people can't be bothered to maintain them and keep them up to date.
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