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  1. I will look into different warheads for sticky bombs. Something that damages tanks more and buildings less would be a good option.
  2. Ok np! Game update: I have a busy Tuesday this week so PMS will be sent on Thursday so you have time to check your roles. The game will start on Friday.
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  3. Yeah, I used to think this unit was useless. It still is except for this cheese. Which is pretty gay and unfun with no real counterplay if they get on top of an MCT. One can argue, hey, if you didn't mine your base jokes on you. I would also argue that there's a large variety of reasons someone could have gotten into your base, such as there being 3 people doing it, or 1 Home Guard and 1 Military Police (firesuit armor). Or someone bumrushing your base at the very start before you can effectively mine it because you spawned on the other side of the base that takes 30 seconds to cross and defenses are fucking worthless. It's just not well designed, the unit. It's got a bolt action rifle and sticky bombs, that it will NEVER use against tanks because it has no way to realistically engage a tank that doesn't drive on top of it, and if you want anti tank there's much better units. It exists specifically to kill a building at the start, which I would double argue is a bad thing inherently. Destroying a building within the first 5 minutes of the game, should honestly, just end the game with the team that blew it up getting the victory. Losing a building at the start is garbage, it means the match is inherently less diverse and fun. A worst case scenario, losing HoN/Bar or Air/War Factory means you have no way to win the game except against the most braindead of retards. Losing PP or Refinery means you have no ability to leave your base because your income is crippled, making the game incredibly slow due to one team effectively losing all initiative for anything except sneeki breeki. Either that, or building rebuilding should be tied to game time, not playercount, so that restoring a destroyed building costs 3000-6000 for the first 10 minutes, and scales up to 30,000-75,000 by the hour mark. But realistically, one 100 credit infantry shouldn't be the best anti building unit in the game. Their grenades could just deal steel_nobuilding and fire splash damage and they would be fine. Either that or their timer needs to be longer or they need to have like 1 disarm hp so engineers can in fact disarm them. But then, of course, if you couldn't solo a Con Yard with one, they'd be useless because the unit has garbage weapons for actually playing the game instead of doing PvE.
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  4. Memes wave... Fire resistant, mmm... Technician solo rush experience  There's nothing to say) He having nemesis with "Град"(grad)
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