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Showing most liked content on 05/18/2020 in all areas

  1. If we didn't have the lockdowns we probably would have 10 times as many deaths by now as we have had. The economic fallout would have been much worse and we would likely need to lockdown now for much longer.
  2. First off is my attempt at a Nod badged Blackbird: There are extensive topology issues, and I am not really happy with it at all. Next is my take on the C&C Rivals Drone Swarm: No Rotors yet! Here is an in game screen using EALA's Repair APC as a drone controller!: It is a bit of a nothing model, but it was interesting to complete.
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  3. Sorry, I still can't. Despite sitting at home nearly 24/7, I'm still too busy. And in a few weeks we'll be slowly going back to our classrooms, which will become a giant mess with how things are organised. So long story short: We're also going back to doing more tests as TSR is getting back on track again, so even more arbeit. (And the time that I have off, I'm spending on doing other things.)
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