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  1. With the release of scripts 4.7 it's now time for yet another Bear Island update!New Stuff: • Mice now run around the base at the start of the game. Players can kill them for a little cash and to burn time while they wait for other players to join/start the game. • The top 11 players will now start the game off as distinct deer from each W3D Mod as well as a Renegade deer and Renhalo deer. • Added 4 new weapons that are purely for bragging rights: Fire Axe – A powerful melee weapon unlocked by getting over 1,000 normal animal kills. Knife – A weak melee weapon unlocked by getting over 4,000 mutant kills. Ruger 10/22 – A weak long-range instant hit weapon unlocked by playing for over 1,000 minutes. And one last weapon I am going to keep secret; Easily unlocked once you figure out what you must do. • Added 2 new items: The Portable Pumpjack, a bonus reward for completing 100 side objectives. This item gives a very slow trickle of money. Placement affects payout. The milk bottle, an item that will slowly regenerate your health after drinking it. Unlocked by completing the cow objective. • Two new objectives: Find the lost cow – returning the lost cow to the new barn (which is outside the main base) will grant the player the milk bottle. Secret objective • Added 11 new high scores for the new objectives • Voices on bear island can no longer overlap. New voices will stop old ones • The StatsWebsite has been updated to display the new scores, also added the ability to export all scores into an excel document so users can crunch that data however they like. Tweaks and Bug Fixes:• Objective [blurb]New Animals, Objectives, Ranking, bug fixes, and more![/blurb]Fixes Fixed a bug with the cougar objective that was causing a pink star to show up on the radar at 0,0,0 Turret Truck objective no longer spams objective stars Fixed a bug that could cause the side objectives to number wrong. • Many score fixes: Fixed some scores that were being worded wrong. Fixed the cougar objective not being counted as a side objective Fixed oil rigs and weapon containers not adding to proper score tracking Fixed a bug with the turret truck’s score C4 vest score fixed • Mutant attack tweaks: Minor difficulty buffs to the mutant assault (more health). Mutants no longer die when attacking non-moving objective targets. Fixed a massive bug with how mutants attacked the President of Corporate America. At some point I broke the code and many mutants surrounding the POCA were not doing damage to him. Fixed a bug causing mutants not to properly rush the POCA in a last-ditch effort before the gates close. • Wildlife Tweaks: Wildlife AI improved to avoid the player better Wildlife now rotate much faster so they can flee quicker Wildlife now gets cleaned up at the same point the last normal bears disappear. Normally, the mutants kill all the wildlife but it was previously possible to have some manage to hide and live until the end of the round, which could only waste networking at a best-case scenario. • Miscellaneous: Fixed the billboard LOD’s so they do not disappear super early Updated billboard advertising Turrets and alarms now use the new physics type for texture projectors for lights. Cleared out 127 unused animal animations Updated the credits to include people I missed Added the landing animations for all animal weapon poses as the engine now uses Land animations besides the A0L# set. Massive VIS improvements. Fixed dazzles on the factory disappearing too soon.[blurb]New weapons, objectives, animals, bug fixes, and more![/blurb] Final Boss’ head can now be shot. It was a bug that it could not be hit previously. Friendly AI have had massive improvements to their kill system, so they get kill cash properly. Reduced the voice spam for killing 10 animals in a row. It now only plays once per game per player. Massive spawn system improvements so the player will not spawn in sight of the Final Boss. Reduced the payout of the engineer objective being they are so useful. Tweaked the safe teleport distances. Players should no longer spawn on the other side of walls if their spot was blocked. MA_Bear_Island.zip
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  2. One of, if not the best Album to come out of the 2000's.
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