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  1. CHOOSE YOUR OWN ROLE VI (SIX) INTRO The polls say the people want an unthemed CYOR game. As a patriot and believer of the American election system, it's time for CYOR VI! This game will start on Friday, November 6, at 10:00PM GMT (the usual time, but daylight savings time is soon so take that into account). If you weren't a part of my previous CYOR V, that anniversary edition was slightly themed with items from past games. This time, however, I fully expect every player to bring out their best, their baddest, their most chaotic ideas. My promise for this game is to try to deliver the same kind of epic, puzzle-like, rage-inducing feel as RNGesus, Capitalism/Imperialism, and the Infinity Stones. As players, I hope your creativity will help me make good on that promise. For those of you who are new to Choose Your Own Role style mafia games, here’s a short explanation: at its core, CYOR is a standard mafia game. Town attempts to eliminate all hostile elements (mafia and third party). Mafia attempts to eliminate players and outnumber the other factions. The third party has specific win conditions based on their role, and the neutral faction is similar; neutral faction players, however, are not considered hostile. If you sign up for this game, you will send me a PM with your role request. You can customize your role as much as you see fit, and I will do my best to honor your request. Here’s an example of a role request: The more information you include in your request, the more accurate your final role will be. Here’s a template to help guide your request, although it’s not necessary to use when sending me your PM: MECHANICS This game's going to be chaotic--I'll be more lenient with restricting roles, so bring whatever you want to the table. Items will of course be a part of the game, and players can start the game with items. Signed Players - 8 7 Minimum OrangeP47 Shade939 Killing_You iLikeToSnipe Chopbam Category 5 Mojoman Anon_Kat Retaliation FRAYDO TheIrishMan Louis
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  2. I can no longer guarantee a Nov 6 start date, but I'll do my best to make it work. Until I can definitively say I need more time, it'll be on time.
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  3. Oh good, now that more ppl have joined and the game is delayed, I can procrastinate further on sending you my role. 😊
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  4. Hello there! I have recently discovered how to play almost every C&C game with a controller via steam. Here's a tutorial that explains better than i can on how to add Non-steam games to your steam library: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?Refinery=2219-YDJV-5557 (Notice: You cant use the w3d hub launcher to play, you have to go and find that game in w3d's files. (You may have to do this with other C&Cs too.)) After that you will have to turn on big picture mode, via the view part on steam. Then go to the library and find the game, here is when you can map the controls to how you like. After that you are finally able to play almost every C&C on contoller.
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  5. As long as you don't mind joining in a game of social manipulation where you have to figure out who's a murderous liar, or what other objective they might have all while trying to prove your own innocence to everyone else so they don't kill you. As for roles, here's a website with a list of them that are the basic templates for all Mafia roles abilities. Additionally, you can pick any person, place or thing to serve as your role and the GM can use that to help decide what abilities you have. Or you could just let the GM Jeod pick and he'll try to give a role to balance out the game. https://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Category:Roles_Main_Page
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  6. No. Implying I unban you in two months I hope this shows the severity of how fed up every single person on the server is with your team hampering.
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  7. As you probably noticed while hampering and taunting me, I'm not an IA mod. Not for me to decide. But if it was, my decision would have been the same as @Threve's.
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  8. Good Evening Razorz13. You were banned by me for Team Hampering once again. Ever since I started playing this game two years ago you team hamper neraly every game in some way. Whether it's throwing grenades at buildings people are trying to build on your team, stealing other peoples vehicles and selling them (Or trying to destroy them), or your typical approach of stealing someone's vehicle then saying that they are team hampering you and to ban them. I have pulled the IRC logs which unfortunately for me go back only 8 times. The fact there are 8 marks in there that aren't all just AFK really says something. What's not listed here is the numerous warnings i've given you which has to be in the 100's through ethier pm or in public chat. This decision is coming from me and other moderators that you've Team hampered against. In terms of what was the final straw, you took Toxickun's Vehicle then tried to drive it off into the ocean. Then in classic Razorz13 fashion blamed him. It takes a lot for me to permantly ban someone from a game but every time. Every game. I have to spectate you and I am sick of baby sitting you especially since you know exactly what you're doing and have been warned banned before. I might give you another chance in two months. I might not. You will remain banned unless Yap or Dblaney says otherwise for now. Renegade 2020-10-24 19-09-52_Trim.mp4
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