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Showing most liked content on 01/28/2021 in all areas

  1. Safe to say that @Metaridley and @Momok are the winners! @AZ-Stalker was trying to steal the spot light Please contact @FRAYDO to collect your winnings! Hope to see everyone again next Game Night!
  2. Hi team, just wondering how much of a hassle it would be for me to setup an australian server of APB and TS:R. I'm not sure how to do this, however I could host it on my server machine in the next month, and as I used to run a community of servers for other games I do have the experience in hosting, it would be great as I would like to try and establish an australian community of players into the game if I can, I do have some people that might be interested in playing, however the pings we usually get on the EU serves is 300-400 which isn't always pleasant. If there is a server package I could install and upload the connection details into the launcher it would be great, as that way I might be able to push the word out more, could be worth a shot to see if we can get more players in.
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  3. How’s it going everyone? You may have been asking, "Where is AR at the moment?" and through this video you can find out! We are happy to announce that we have hit Alpha! This means that the features that we wanted to include in the first release have made it ingame. Thanks to the efforts of the team over these past few months, we have cleared this milestone! Today we’re excited to showcase a few of these new features! In this video we have included the new HUD and UI, improvements to the Allied Prism Tank including an all-new refraction projectile, and a physics overhaul of the Allied Harrier! All this and more in this video update brought to you by OWA. Please feel free to comment below about anything you would like to see in a future video, and we would be happy to show it off for you!
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