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  1. Welcome to the 21st edition of W3D Weekly! We're a bit late this week, but no matter. Let's jump in! Events The Red Revolution celebrations have now begun! The aim of this event is to celebrate the combined birthdays of game in the Red Alert franchise with a number of streams planned across the whole event, with each day celebrating a different community project. Check below for a list of events happening across the next three weeks! Red Alert: A Path Beyond is getting in on the action, with a game night planned out for tomorrow night (14th of November). Make sure to come and join us for all of the action! Battle for Dune A bit of a surprise from @ Killing_You ! He has suited up for a fun little poster, as the sinister Harkonnen Mentat, Pearce de Vries! While he won't appear physically, you will hear his voice ingame. He will be the Harkonnen equivalent of EVA from other games, as well as providing background lines while in Harkonnen buildings.Crazy CO-OP Tiberian Turkeys be comin'! Keep your eyes peeled! That's it for this week!Come back next time for some more W3D content! [blurb]The 21st edition of W3D Weekly is now out! A bit late this week, but no matter! Come and take a look at what we've got this week![/blurb]
  2. Version 3.0.0


    A replacment for Patch in Interim Apex. Files include a String (Name) replacment, PT Replacement and textures. To install, place the TTFS files in the TTFS Folder and the Data files in the Data folder. You just drag and drop them. Navigation is as follows. ThisPC > LocalDisk C: > Program Files (x86) > W3DHub > Games > ia release >Data (DATA FOLDER) C: > Program Files (x86) > W3D Hub > games > ia-release > IAFiles > InterimApex > ttfs >files (TTFS Folder)
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  3. General Changes Hitmarker behavior has been edited so that direct weapon projectiles once again provide instant feedback, and explosion damage provides server-side feedback. Stealthed friendly units and objects now appear on the radar compass when the Radar Dome is disabled or destroyed. The new repair script now has an added "anti-leave-zone-to-remove-repair-debuff" feature. Increased naval repair zone sizes. Made an adjustment that should reduce or eliminate the issue with getting stuck in airplanes right after they land. Vehicles BTR Adjusted so that it is more vulnerable to rockets and shells, but slightly more resistant to small arms and C4 explosives. Skin and shield changed from Light to new BTR type. Health and shield values decreased. 250 -> 200 M.A.D. Tank No longer receives damage from other M.A.D. Tank sonic detonations (this change does not apply to Angry Tanks on Lunar). Mammoth Tank Secondary missile velocity increased. 75 -> 100 Secondary missile turn rate increased. 225 -> 275 Missile Sub The AA missile secondary fire can only lock on to aircraft. Hind Cannon can tilt its firing angle 22.5 degrees higher. Yak Adjusted handling to feel more lightweight. MiG Missile damage effectiveness has increased against aircraft. Two salvos (one full payload) can destroy a Longbow that's at full health, but only just barely. 0.5 -> 0.75 Levels Improved bot behavior around doors. Moved the trees and a rock on the bottom of the cliff outside the Soviet Refinery slightly away from that cliff, so vehicles going down that hill won't get stuck. Blocked off a vehicle stuck position between one of the Flame Towers and a rock. Fixed a couple floating objects. The lightpost at the Allied Service Depot emits light properly. Fixed some texture blending issues near the Soviet base. Filled in some missing polygons in the west Allied infantry tunnel. Unfloated a tree near the west Allied infantry tunnel. Removed an out-of-place pipe prop behind the Soviet Barracks. Submarines no longer get stuck on the lighthouse beach. Replaced Allied Service Depot with a large rock. Changed the pine needle texture to grass in a few spots where there used to be trees. Broken Tire Ragtop Skin and shield changed from Light to new BTR type. Health value decreased. 600 -> 500 Shield value increased. 250 -> 500 Railgun range increased. 66 -> 75 Cost increased. 1200 -> 1500 Fixed Spy character string. Fixed one of the Hind landing points that made them stick in place. Converted the Service Depots into destroyed versions. Added a destroyed Pillbox and Flame Tower at the base entrances. Rotated the now-destroyed Allied Service Depot 90 degrees, resulting in less smoke from it appearing in the Allied Barracks basement. The oil pumps in the bases no longer start teamed. This fixes a bug that was introduced when the objective markers were added. Fixed some texture blending seams with the snowy grass. Fixed a hole in a rock that's in front of the Soviet base. Fixed a vehicle stuck spot at the base of a cliff northwest of the Soviet base. Grounded a small patch of floating grass next to the gem field outside the Soviet base. Fixed a stuck spot on a rock northeast of the Allied base. Also sank the rock a bit so that it doesn't have gaps at the base. The section of land leading to the north side of the Soviet base has been cut out, removing this area as an Allied attack route option. Removed the cave behind the Soviet Construction Yard. Grounded some floating trees near the lighthouse. Fixed a stretched texture going up the ridge to the lighthouse. BTR's can be purchased. Updated Chrono Tank teleportation spots. No longer can the Chrono Tank go onto the hill behind the vehicle barricades, no longer can it attempt to teleport onto the Allied Ore Silo, and other spots were filled out such that it has fewer restrictions in clear ground areas. Vehicles can no longer drive up to the Volcano peak. Updated the overhead map. Blocked vehicle access to a sliver of the Soviet ridge. This removes an exploit position for V-2 Launchers.
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  4. A pleasant read to start off my Sunday.
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  5. Ahh the APB vs Reborn wars. What a storied time in in our history as a community. There were many goings on back then that really fuelled a big feud between the two mods. The main source of the feud if I remember correctly was plain and simple; good old fashioned competition. Renegade Alert (what APB was originally known as) at the time was released and people could play it. 9925 was fun and there were big promises of 993 adding in naval gameplay and a bunch of missing units. Renegade Alert was in a really strong position with a fairly large team and a decent direction, led by Aircraftkiller. Although anyone on the team that time and for anyone who knew him then, it was a bad idea to get on his bad side. Reborn, on the other hand, had released their original, but very buggy Beta build (the one that formatted Windows 98 hard drives, or so some would claim) under the leadership of the very first Reborn team. A second team that had inherited control of the project were working on the game, but instead of releasing a follow-up build quickly, had set about a really ambitious project to re-create all of the art from scratch. This Reborn team was comprised of some of the most talented artists that the Renegade community had ever seen and they weren't shy when it came to boasting about it. Through one encounter or another, the two sides came to blows over which mod was better. Aircraftkiller leading the RenAlert team and Renardin leading the Reborn team in raids on each others forums. The RenAlert guys would always decry that "RebornSux" and went as far to draw mean spirited cartoon images of Renardin and the Reborn team to demean them. The Reborn team were not as tenacious and instead let their artwork do the talking, comparing RenAlert's currently sub-par artwork to that of the yet unreleased version of Reborn. Reborn won several ModDB visual design awards and even went to GamesCom during this period, much to the RenAlert teams chagrin. When Aircraftkiller started to move away from Renegade development and pitched for APB (as it had been renamed) to be on a newer game engine, it was unsure what the future would hold for RenAlert. Whilst Aircraftkiller was looking at other engines,@ Coolrock stepped up to the plate, saving the Renegade version of APB and passing it to Chronojam to continue leading development. This resulted in RenAlert version 9935 being released, to much fanfare. Around this time the Reborn team also moved into the APB team's forums. this was a result of Chronojam attempting to heal past wounds, settle differences and attain a compromise. This didn't last too long, as the two teams butted heads frequently, the scars from the previous clashes being all too fresh. After a while, the Reborn team moved back to their own site (This is when AR stepped in to join APB and form Bluehell Productions). During the next few years, APB would go from strength to strength, releasing the Beta version of the game which was very popular. By this time, Reborn development was running out of steam. Worn down by people having less time and the mammoth task of redoing all the artwork, the team decided to bet their success on an infantry beta. The planned release data of this beta was December 31st 2006. This date slipped to some time in 2008, much to the APB team's amusement. After years of hype, the infantry beta came out to a massive fanfare, but failed to capture a long term audience due to the poor quality of the balance and gameplay. This was one of the final nails in the coffin for that iteration of the Reborn team as it was. The team fractured and control of the project ultimately returned to Bluehell Productions under @ Wallywood 's leadership. From there a credible vehicle release was produced and that's roughly where Reborn is today. If I've got any of my facts wrong @ TeamWolf , please correct me. There were two full teams, they just got hyper competitive over making the best mod to the point where they were actively flaming the crap out of each other. How's that @ FRAYDO ?
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