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Everything posted by Shnappz

  1. Hey Racks, I'll be there brutha!! Happy birthday for saturday
  2. Hey what is a QA technician? Nice interview btw! always interesting to see what someone looks/sounds like in real life! EDIT: I get it... QA= Quality Assurance. You have the best job in the wold. Nice work.
  3. Are you the same Strike from the gamingunderground days?
  4. In what game? I've never seen it as a problem. I didn't even know the camera position was an editable feature in w3d.
  5. Hey All Just thought I'd stop by and say hello. I kind of love the idea of a forum and community dedicated to W3D! I have no idea what happened over at BHP but I'm happy to be a member of both communities. Look forward to contributing to the forum and learning from you guys!
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