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About Dadud

  • Birthday 10/27/1991

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  1. so, i recently reinstalled windows 11. installed the W3Dhub launcher and tried to install APB. after multiple restarts after a "failed to download package" message it finally "finished" however clicking join on a server does nothing. launching from game.exe fails too.
  2. I've been watching this project for over a decade and there's really not been any public progress. It's always a new model to replace an old one, and better textures. Just release the damn thing with placeholder models.
  3. I remember a few years ago @ saberhawk spent a few weekends porting models and even game mechanics into unity with VR support. What's the holdup?
  4. I've got about 35 years until retirement and I somehow still doubt this mod will be released by then
  5. Wolf, saberhawks already has his w3d asset importer working 80% of the time in just a few weeks time. Unity would be a better move.
  6. Whats stopping you? You're about a year or two from irrelevancy to basically everyone but yourselves. move to a new game engine. take some fucking initiative to learn something new. You're literally beating an already beat to a pulp game engine with terrible net code that makes it basically unplayable on less than high quality internet connections. You're stagnant, and adding ships and pretty textures wont change that.
  7. your maps is bad. But seriously. private testing was a mid 00's thing to do. its freaking 2019. get with the times. abandon W3D, use the tool Saberhawk is making to export W3D models to modern formats, and work on a new, free to use game engine, with public testing. Unity, Lumberyard, Cryengine, UE4, it doesn't matter. W3D is dead and has been for atleast 15 years. you might have to abandon all C&C ties to do so, but im sure you could rename all the units to be compliant and avoid C&D's
  8. What equipment/programs did you use to create music in the early days? How long did it take to record/produce a song on average?
  9. This is why you are still shit at life Dadud. Do you remember that furry porn disguised as a APB Beta you leaked in order to come out as a furry? yeah I still remember that. HATERS GONNA HATE
  10. oh great. another mod that we wont get to touch for at least 5 years.
  11. Im honestly suprised its lasted this long, the netcode, graphics, and dwindling playerbase are all nails in the coffin. You'll have to bury W3d sooner or later.
  12. what about abandoning W3d altogether and using the framework that renegade x has built? apart from the nostalgia, what benefit do you get with sticking with a 14 year old game engine?
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