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Everything posted by forg0ten1

  1. i think Nod rocket soldiers do way too much against gdi vehicles, for a 200$ unit. Also, i havent tested it yet, but i think they kill vehicles faster than the confessor.
  2. Aye, disc thrower is very weak against vehicles and buildings now. I don't see the point of the disc throwers right click now either. its impossible to hit anything with it now, waaay too inaccurate. Another thing a few people have brought up in-game is the new HUD. My biggest gripe with the HUD is that the credits and match timer are no longer in the bottom middle of the screen. Now whenever you use a purchase terminal you can no longer see how many credits you have when you're trying to buy something. It's nothing major, but I much prefer them in their old position. Loving all of the other changes though. Very nice patch
  3. I like the limited grenades, this should work out much better!
  4. in tib sun i like to sell all my buildings so i get a bunch of free regular guys and then charge at the enemy
  5. I'm suprised this hasnt been brought up before. Where is the balance between these two classes? The cadre is super-accurate and is able to level bases from the outside while the GDI officer can do neither of these things. As far as im concerned this is one of the biggest problems in reborn at the moment. (besides the op devil tongues)
  6. deer god yes. <3 fjord
  7. oh damn! Future cop was an awesome game, kinda tempted to go digging for it now
  8. Thank you sir, it is good to be back
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