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Posts posted by delta

  1. Oh Silverlight, if only you'd played the next round of complex. Stole a pair of MADs as a spy and activated them right as they rolled of the assembly line. Second one nailed a demo halfway to the allied base. Was too busy to screen shot it though.

    Ugh, that round was absolutely terrible. Sometime after you stole my minelayer and plopped those mines down in ore field, I figured "ok well, there's probably no more AT mines so I should go mine that tunnel entrance". Nope. *BAM* one minelayer down. "Okay, well, NOW there's probably no more mines" so I bought another minelayer to go do the same thing. *BAM* two minelayers down. THEN I bought an engineer and a third minelayer, went over there, saw one blue X on the radar...but also a blue dot in the tunnel signifying a Tanya. "No time to waste, must stop that Tanya now...and I can probably drive around that last remaining mine". *BAM* three minelayers down. :argh:


    Also, you didn't just nail a demo truck, you got two. I bought a demo, drove towards tunnel, but heard combat ahead so I turned around...a teammate behind me also with a demo did the same thing. Then...MAD TANK DEPLOYED. "Huh? Did someone deploy MAD in tunnel?" Thought about turning back to base to get out of blast radius, or just sell demo, but then someone says "MAD in base". So then I drove towards bridge (where the hedgehogs were) to avoid my demo blast hitting our own base, while the other demo driver I think tried to go around the long way. Pretty sure I didn't take anything down with me when my demo blew, but the other guy's demo killed our Tesla Coil...although that didn't matter much since our power plant was already dead.

  2. Oh so that's how my team knew you were LST rushing. But even before I got their message, I was waiting at radar dome with a captain because I was like "they are LST rushing, I know they are LST rushing". And then you landed at helipad instead of dome. You evil, evil people :argh:

  3. Its not about removing the power plant, its more that the regular power plant isnt too difficult to destroy. The advanced power plant should have more health than the normal power plant which is the reason for having it.

    If it's decided that the regular power plant is too easy to destroy, then the most obvious solution is just to buff its hitpoints. You don't necessarily need to have a bigger power plant in order to improve its in-game stats. Now if for some reason it's decided that we want to have a bigger power plant (earlier versions of APB only used the advanced power plant), then sure whatever...but the point is that in-game stats aren't necessarily dependent on cosmetics (which you should know if you ever edited the rules.ini for any C&C game).


    Regarding the radar dome and the "penalty" for losing it...I do find myself sometimes wishing it just wasn't present on the map. Losing your radar seems pretty crippling, and especially so since you need it to help spot mines as well as determine who owns the neutral tech structures on Pipeline and Hostile Waters.

  4. Expiring mines would force someone to replace the mines all the time, making soviets lose one player in the field.

    True, but if Allies have one or more players running around as Tanyas, aren't they also subtracted from the total overall manpower of the team? So the one Soviet player preoccupied with mining is counteracted by the Tanyas trying to sneak into buildings.


    I suppose if we want to make mining even faster though, we could give the minelayer a secondary fire mode to drop a cluster of three mines at once (as well as increased mine capacity), as a means to offset by the time expiration.

  5. Or maybe allow the repair tool to remove friendly mines? I suppose there might be teamhampering potential for that, but I rarely see any teamhampering anyway, so maybe it's worth it?


    Or, going back to the time limit idea, what if the time limit was implemented, and to counteract the "spend all game mining" we double the mine capacity to ten mines to reduce trips back to the service depot?

  6. The power plants in APB don't need to correspond exactly to the way they were in RA1. I mean, in regular Renegade you had a power plant supporting a Refinery, Hand of Nod, Airfield, and an Obelisk. Could it do that in TD? No. But for the sake of gameplay and simplicity, just assume it can. Otherwise you'd have to have two advanced power plants to support your two Tesla Coils on KotG, or a whole lot more regular ones...either of which would clutter up the map and be impossible to defend.

  7. Maybe...have the mines expire after a period of time? Yeah sure, you'd have to remine every so often, but these things are pretty effective at what they do to begin with, so maybe that's not so bad?


    Thanks PushWall for reading this, I know you have limited time/resource.


    No problem.


    We love you Pushwall :D




    He wrenched me. I C4'ed him. Then we wrenched each other. With a few seconds left, I sprinted away...he tried to follow to kill me with my own explosion, but I got away :v



    Tried to catch a ride back to base, but he drove off a cliff.



  9. What i mean is engineer goes in building, does something and you can than build enemy units from the building the engineer entered.

    You mean let the engineer capture stuff the same way as in the RTS games? That sounds pretty broken if you can just start pumping our vehicles in the middle of the enemy base. Not to mention, what happens if I use an engineer to take over your barracks? You now have no barracks and cannot train any engineers to take it back...


    Paratroopers are most likely going to be a thing (consult OWA for more info on that), the Grand Cannon will certainly appear, and garrisoning won't work like it did in RA2, if we implement it in some fashion.

    Are we talking player-controlled paratroopers? As in, a bunch of you go into the Air Force Command, press some panel to summon the plane, get magically teleported into the plane, and then someone flies it or it flies itself to the destination? Kinda like a supply truck rush, but with an airplane?

  10. Aren't there like 5x the number of players on CNCnet as we usually have on a game of APB or Reborn? If there's people who are still interested in playing the classic C&C games, wouldn't they be interested in this as well? That seems like an obvious target audience there.


    Regarding the power plant, I had another idea...what if the Tesla Coils and Gap Generators are shut down when then power plant is damaged to 50% or below?

  11. I guess you could have a Hostile Waters-like map, with a bot cruiser or two (provided someone's made a model), where Soviets are trying to sink them and Allies trying to defend them? It wouldn't be a playable vehicle, but if you just want to see it in the game...

  12. Eh, the idea I had was that you just use the beacon to summon the bots to a location where you think they'd be useful, and the bots basically just stay there and shoot whatever comes into range. No need to put in pathing orders, just have them sit there more or less. That's doable, right?


    Just throwing out ideas...not saying I'm clamoring to have this feature added to APB, but if we want to see the Chronotank and/or Badger added in, this might be a way to do it.

  13. I do believe I defeated you the other day though, with my epic demo truck dodge on Camos Canyon. At least, I'm pretty sure it was you, since you vaporized another demo truck in front of me, so I knew what to expect...after which I drove behind War Factory to hit all four of your main buildings :v

  14. What happened to cruiser strike and mig/yak airstrike beacons? Let them be purchasable but only do 1/3 of damage of nukes so players can weaken enemy bases during attacks.

    It sounds cool being able to call in airstrikes, but I'd be worried about balance. Would this make killing buildings too easy? Like, if you've already got two enemy Volkovs in your War Factory and then they can just deploy a beacon to quickly subtract a quarter of the building's health?

  15. Funny, when I first started playing Renegade Alert waaaayyy back, the thing that surprised me was how consistent it felt with RA1. Most notably the fact that helicopters had limited ammo and exactly the same number of shots as in RA1, how you needed a Service Depot to repair vehicles just like RA1, how Minelayers had exactly five mines and were reloaded the same way as in RA1, how MAD Tanks and Demo Trucks worked exactly the way they did in RA1, etc.

  16. Hmm, so I had an idea...what if both sides could use a beacon to summon in a few bot-controlled units? Soviets could get paratroopers (an assortment of rifle infantry and shock troopers and whatever) while Allies can have a Medium tank teleported in via chronosphere...or a Chronotank if that ever gets modeled. Should be simpler than trying to implement the Chronotank's function with a top-down map or whatever.

  17. Iron Man all the way! Because...he's cool :D


    Actually, as far as the superhero registration goes...I still think it's completely unfeasible (weren't we discussing this in that older thread?). The government simply has no way to control the heroes, with or without the act. They're relying on Tony Stark to go after those "rogue superheroes", but this is dependent on Tony Stark choosing to cooperate. If at any point Stark changes his mind and switches sides, the government can't do a damn thing about it, and they'd be right back where they started. So really, if you're living in a world where there's superpowered people running about, the only thing you can really do is sit back and hope that Superman or the X-men or the Jedi are doing the right thing.

  18. I seem to recall the MCV being in Soviet Invasion where you had to protect it? Don't recall if it was able to deploy or anything, though.


    As for the cruiser, well not every unit from Red Alert can actually be implemented, and even if they could it doesn't necessarily mean there's a practical use for them or that they'd be balanced.

  19. post-10383-0-57776000-1458228368_thumb.pngpost-10383-0-26336600-1458228383_thumb.png



    Ore Truck got stuck in the hole and was all bobbing back and forth.



    Duck, duck, duck, radar jammer. I think this is the same Rock and a hard place...and a tesla coil (offscreen).

    rush as Silverlight's picture with the damaged demo.




  20. For the next patch, could we get some improved lighting on some of the maps? In particular:


    Stormy Valley, the path with the gem field, towards Allied base...there's a whole bunch of obstacles that are really difficult to see, and it's rather annoying when you drive into one. Also near the Soviet ore field where there's the barbed wire and I think a slight elevation bump...I once drove a demo into this and flipped it over...was not happy about that.


    Forest of Illusion, in the forest sector where there's the barbed wire in the passages leading to the capture point, that's also really dark and makes it so that I always have to "feel" my way through it (who puts barbed wire like that in real life anyway? Isn't the point to completely block off movement rather than giving someone a path to walk through? :p ).


    Fissure, the bottom of that spiral ramp which (I think) leads to the Soviet silo, is positively pitch black. I think I once spent 30 seconds or longer trying to get onto the ramp from the bottom.


    Ridge War, on the side with the Allied service depot outpost, somewhat in front of it there's another barbed wire fence which sorta blends into the background (don't remember if it's in the shade or not), but yeah it always seems to pop up in my face just as I'm about to drive into it.

  21. Would you believe it, there actually is not any easter egg pictures with "ΔΔΔ" or whatever out there. I would've thought such a picture would be easy to come by, and after that rather bizarre delta mustache picture I found a while back I was starting to think anything was possible. Oh well, I did come across this in the course of searching Google, which is arguable cooler.

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