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Posts posted by delta

  1. Hmm, I feel like with that second map idea...if Allies are limited to infantry, well infantry rushes on most APB maps end up being pretty predictable as to where they'll occur since there's only so many weakpoints in a base for them to exploit. So Soviets could just camp those spots all day long and Allies won't be able to get through.

  2. I think the highlight of Complex demospam game was when one of our newbie players bought a MAD tank and just deployed it in front of our War Factory...I grabbed a RPG and started shooting at it, and at first it wouldn't register any of the damage because it was coming from a friendly source. Someone came along with a HT and together we tried our best to kill the MAD, but just as we got it down to 1% it detonated...and destroyed an enemy demo...

  3. You always find ways to make me laugh FRAYDO. Whether it be through your noobery in games or just being a great guy in general.

    Maybe he wouldn't be such a noob if he would actually hop in and play once in a while.


    In any case, happy belated birthday to...everyone who's had a birthday recently =P

  4. [15:38:46] delta: hax

    [15:39:10] gammae102: i love the old "shoot a tanya with a tesla tank and she dies" hax

    [15:39:41] delta: tanya should totally be able to bounce the tesla beam back at the TT and kill it


    Like this:



  5. Hmm, it's been a while since I played HW:C. I remember playing that convoy escort mission...it started off well enough, but pretty soon everything just started going to hell and everything was just getting infected left and right. Every time a ship got infected there'd be all this screaming, and it was happening so often that soon I was mentally screaming "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" back at my computer...lol.


    Speaking of the Beast, anyone play Sins of a Solar Empire? The mysterious "thing" in the backstory that ate up the Vasari empire sounds kinda like it's the same thing.

  6. Oh wait, I just took another look at NodGuy's posted chat log...I think I remember that game. I was expecting a roof spy flare, so I camped out on Refinery roof with a flamethrower while crouching to stay invisible on radar (just like Silver was in my previous anecdote!). Anyway sure enough, "Signal flare detected" and lo and behold it was on our Refinery roof, on the other side where I couldn't see the spy and he also couldn't see me. So I ran over there, toasted TiberCHSL ( :D) then accidentally fell off the roof and died ( :gonk:). In any case someone else cleared the flare, turns out it was Silver...but I'm pretty sure there were more of us running towards it with engineers, so Silver getting demo'ed wasn't the deciding factor in flare being disarmed.

  7. I watched it yesterday as well. It definitely had a darker and more serious tone to it than previous Marvel films. It actually felt a bit weird for me when Ant Man showed up, since I didn't get around to watching that movie until just the day before...so for a split second my brain was like "wait, what movie am I watching now?"


    I do feel like pretty much the whole plot could've been avoided if the characters had just sat down and talked things through instead of...doing what they did. That said though, I still really enjoyed it...probably my second favorite Marvel film so far, beneath Guardians of the Galaxy.

  8. You can't plant flare inside the missile silo, right? So you probably didn't need to resort to that.to prevent a nuke,


    Though, that does remind me of the time I was chasing Silver around our base and he was being all stupid and trying to hide from me by crouching...


    [20:05:44] delta: DNO'T MAKE ME DEMO YOU OUT

  9. I hated HW2's story so much because they pulled the significance of the cores and the number of cores out of their ass.

    Yeah, there was stuff I didn't like about the story as well...but overall I still liked the game.


    With that said at least you didn't do something retarded like deer in space.

    Hey it's not too bad, looks like we got a good laugh out of it :p

  10. Haven't gotten an ore truck stuck yet, but I do find it annoying that a lot of the ore fields are in these little pits that the truck can't climb out of except for a really narrow ramp. I think it'd be better just to allow it to drive out in any direction rather than being forced to use the ramp.

  11. Well the Mammoth Mk.2 has the missile turrets that only target air, so I guess the auto-torpedo could be the same and only target VTOLs? I guess it would still be really weird to have a torpedo that shoots at aircraft, but at least from the gameplay perspective it shouldn't be so broken as to be hitting land units.

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