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Posts posted by delta

  1. I posted this idea back on the BHP forum...it was to just get rid of the Construction Yards and just let all buildings self-repair. So yeah, that way on a bunch of maps you don't need to run out to repair that damaged Pillbox at the very edge of your base. Also, not having a Construction Yard would allow your base to be more compact and easier to defend. I don't think I ever saw any response as to whether people liked this idea or disliked it, but anyway here it is again.

  2. But I do think that Bernie, even if he is an outsider, would have won the ellection against Trump for the simple fact that he is a more likable person for the common middle man than Clinton was. That, plus he, unlike Clinton, stood for change, something people have been calling for.

    I believe the reasoning behind nominating Clinton was that Democratic Party officials looked at the way the public reacted to Obama. People seemed to mostly hate the economic stimulus, and Republicans attacked Obama as being a socialist. Democrats lost the midterm elections, and a little less than half the country voted for Romney. Okay, so people don't like socialism and "big government", so we can't have Bernie Sanders...that'd just be suicide. So they gave us Clinton instead. Or maybe I shouldn't say they "gave" us Clinton...she wins the delegate count even when you delete the superdelegates...but yeah, they were cheering for her.


    Honestly, I think Clinton would have brought change as well...more modest and incremental change than Sanders, sure, but change nonetheless. Now before you say "she's a tool of Wall Street!", wasn't the same seemingly true of Franklin Roosevelt as well? FDR was the very picture of the wealthy elitist upper class, but he ended up enacting Social Security and the New Deal.

  3. Oh, the masculine/feminine thing is a German thing where every single noun is either "masculine", "feminine" or "neuter". So whereas in English we just say "the tree", "the flower", "the house", in German it's "der Baum", "die Blume" and "das Haus" since they're masculine, feminine and neuter respectively. There's not any rule as to what sort of object gets which gender, you just gotta memorize it for each and every noun. And to make things even more infuriatingly complicated, der/die/das can get completely swapped around depending on whether the noun is the subject of the sentence, the direct object, the indirect object, or is used in the possessive case.

  4. Hmm, so I've been making a (somewhat half-hearted) attempt at learning German for a while now. One day out of curiosity, I got the idea to try looking up a German version of the Bible online and try comparing some familiar verses I knew in English to their German counterparts. Did a Google search, clicked the first link, went to Genesis 1...and oh man, I could barely understand a word  :D


    Anyway, how is it that the Koran ended up as masculine and the Bible as feminine?

  5. I'm not really convinced the no-fly zone thing would have happened. Clinton is more hawkish than Obama, but only slightly.. The two of them generally share similar instincts and temperaments.


    As for Wikileaks, okay I didn't pay much attention to that so I guess I won't comment...but the Saudis didn't fund 9/11. They do promote an intolerant version of Islam which we think contributes to terrorism...but fund 9/11? If that were true, the U.S. Army would be occupying Riyadh right now.

  6. I'm pretty sure the idea behind nominating Clinton over Sanders is that she's overall the more measured and moderate candidate, able to attract consensus, and ultimately more likely to win. Sanders was seen as too much of a risk. Also, it wasn't just superdelegates tilting the primaries in favor of Clinton...I seem to recall that she won most of the primaries fair and square.


    Personally, I don't think Clinton was anywhere as corrupt as Trump made her out to be. Sure she's got a spotty record, but a Clinton nominee to the Supreme Court would likely overturn Citizens United, and the Democrats are usually the ones favorably inclined towards campaign finance reform. Even if she had ties to Wall Street, political pressure would almost certainly have resulted in her choosing her voters over wealthy donors. But...even if you're convinced they're both scumbags...I'd still say people should have voted for Clinton. We can easily survive a Clinton presidency. Trump on the other hand...

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