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Posts posted by delta


    A whole bunch of crazy stuff, courtesy of our admins.






    Chronotank got spawned in mid-air, and I decided to go walk around on top of it.




    A chain of demos. Unfortunately, I didn't get away in time to witness the wave of destruction from a safe distance.




    A flying whale! Wait no...a flying missile sub! Wait what...a flying missile sub??




    Apparently you can balance a Chinook on top of the Tesla Coil. No admin hax required! And surprisingly, it seems to be easier than parking one on top of the Radar Dome.


    [18:09:51] delta: hmm, should get silverlight to try to put a MAD tank on top of the coil next time







    Ghost Pushwall. Also, a destroyed SAM Site floating in mid-air. Also, I was granted the power of flight...until I decided to land on the top of the ore silo.





  2. Allied Infantry; Tanya - for the anti-infantry.


    Soviet Infantry; Shock Trooper - Just plain fun zapping vehicles.


    Allied Vehicles; Minelayer - Scatter mines everywhere and watch the Soviets run into them :v . Demo truck as the runner-up.


    Soviet Vehicles; Tesla Tank - Don't actually get to use this all that often, and even when I do it seems to die really quick. But it's fun to use, and good for clearing mines with engineer. Demo truck as runner-up, again.


    Aerial; Longbow - It's fast and it kills stuff.


    Naval; Attack Sub - Killing ships is fun.

  3. Also, nobody plays TS:Reborn?! Only APB? : (

    Usually the way it goes is that there's a major update released, people flock over to that game. A few years back, I think it was Reborn that got this treatment and so everyone was playing it, while APB was old news. Then after a while, not sure why, some issues resulted in most of the Reborn maps being removed from the server and the game is kinda dead for now, pending the next update whenever that will be. In the meantime, APB got a major update earlier this year, which is why everyone's playing it.

  4. So that's what happened to our little attack after I disconnected. How did you manage to kill refinery after wrecking your TT's? Did either of you pick up my heavy tank?




    And also, were Allies fooled by our little bit of "dubious intelligence"? :v

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