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Posts posted by delta

  1. Hmm okay well, I don't know anything about the issues regarding reviving building functions. But as for the silos, if 4-6 of them is too much money too quickly, then you can always just tweak the income rate, right? The point would be to have several income structures that are easier to kill as opposed to just a single one that, once destroyed, basically ends the game.

  2. I feel like the weapons loadouts are probably fine. Sure, you got a guy who's kinda one-dimensional, but he's also usually pretty cheap and cost-effective to begin with. My rifle soldier isn't going to hurt that Mammoth Tank, but the supporting Shock Troopers are another story. Even if I only take out half his health before I die, I've lost zero credits and I preoccupied the enemy for maybe 20 seconds during which he wasn't shooting at something more valuable.

    Also I don't recall the Renegade infantry classes being that much more versatile anyway, so eh.

  3. On 4/8/2017 at 11:30 AM, KevinLancaster said:

    Is there no way to un-destroy buildings to simulate buildings being rebuilt in RA with the change that they would have less health?

    How's this for a crazy idea? Allow all buildings to be rebuilt for a high cost. Then, for most maps replace the Ore Refinery and Ore Truck with 4-6 silos (basically like TS_Field and TS_Desert_River). Killing a silo would be easier than killing a refinery, and doing so would give your team an advantage, but it wouldn't be an all-or-nothing knockout blow.

  4. Mmm, so I kinda skimmed over the past few changelogs and didn't see anything about this...when did the Supply Truck and Cargo Truck have their reverse move left-right scheme switched around? I'm assuming it's the same story for the Demo Truck and maybe the Ranger as well...why the change and why only for wheeled vehicles?

  5. ♫ You're a monster, Silverlight...
    Your heart's an empty hole!
    Your brain is full of giant ants...
    You've got C4 in your soul, Silverlight!
    I wouldn't touch you with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot V2 rocket! 

    ♫ You're a vile one, Silverlight
    You have termites in your smile!
    You have all the tender sweetness of a deformed slender Volkov, Silverlight!
    Given the choice between the two of you I'd take the deformed slender Volkov! 

  6. On 8/19/2017 at 9:38 PM, FRAYDO said:

    Main Mercy because I'm casual af.

    lol, the last time there was a free weekend, I played a bunch of matches against the AI bots just to familiarize myself a bit with all the characters. Then when I finally decided to play against real humans, I went with Mercy because she's just "point in general direction of allies, click, heal".

  7. 4 hours ago, Einstein said:

    They are the same project, just "Reborn" was the first name it held. The project as a whole is just vastly different now than in the time when it was known as Reborn, so because of this some feel that it should go by its new name when referenced unless you are actually referencing the super old versions of the project. Thats what I gather anyway. My guess is because it is obviously better now than it was then. Much like RenAlert/APB.

    Oh well I mean, going from Renegade Alert to APB, it's obvious there was a name change...whereas with Reborn to Tiberian Sun: Reborn it just looks mostly the same.

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