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Posts posted by delta

  1. 14 hours ago, SarahNautili said:

    Eh, I figure in a universe set in the 1950's that has 1990's Apache Longbows and M1 Abrams variants fighting tanks derived from the 1970's T-80U escorting a portable version of the 1940's V2 rocket.... historical accuracy goes out the window

    Isn't the V2 really just one of the Scud variants and not the actual German V2 rocket from WWII? So that still leaves us with mostly 70's and 80's stuff.

  2. Awww damn...missed the free Chivalry Medieval Warfare.

    Anyway this one's not quite free, but Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion is about 75% off on Steam at $11.24 USD. Not sure if it's the same deal outside the U.S. though.

  3. Okay so I can't prove this, but I seriously doubt that Clinton would have enacted the no-fly zone she talked about. Clinton may be more hawkish than Obama, but not by that much...and I doubt even someone like Marco Rubio or Jeb Bush would have been nuts enough to get us into a shooting war with Russia over Syria. I'd also have to disagree with working with Russia over Syria. Assad started the war by turning his guns on peaceful protesters with the aim of provoking them to fight back and radicalizing the opposition, because he knew that a radicalized opposition would be a more viable alternative to his regime than a moderate opposition. Russia's also hopped on board by bombing all the less radical rebel groups to turn it into an Assad vs ISIS fight. So Russia is part of the problem, not the solution. Does this mean we should go to war against Russia? No. But sanctions I think are very much warranted, and I certainly don't think we should team up with them. The major risk of working with Russia and Assad is that they have so much blood on their hands...doing so will only make us look like monsters in the eyes of Muslims, which will increase recruitment for ISIS and make the terrorist problem even worse.

    As for Sanders endorsing Clinton, well yeah. Clinton may not have gone as far as Sanders, but she would have been a step in the same direction. Look at Citizens United, it was 5 conservative justices against 4 liberal ones. A Clinton nominee to the court would almost certainly have ruled to overturn the decision should the opportunity have arisen. Campaign finance reform is also something that Democrats are broadly more favorably inclined towards, while Republicans are opposed to it. Dodd Frank, which was supposed to reign in the banks to a degree, is also something that Democrats support but is now facing repeal by Republicans.

    Did the Democratic establishment oppose Sanders? Yes. But can you blame them? Look at how thoroughly they got slaughtered by Reagan and Bush in the 80's. Look at how much success the Republicans got out of attacking Obama as a "big government socialist". Given this, I think nominating Sanders would have been a horribly risky bet. If Democrats embraced Third Way centrism, it's because they thought that was the most they could hope for, not because the corporate wing of the party is all-powerful.

  4. 13 hours ago, Nodlied said:

    You'd be surprised to know that Voe and I once pulled off an Ore Truck rush on Guard_Duty. We took an Allied oretruck, drove to the Soviet Refinary, got blown up, stole a supply truck and C4'd their silo. Mission accomplished.

    Heh, not as epic as the time I stole a Soviet ore truck, then drove to their base with a Tanya and blew up their refinery. Interestingly it also involved Voe, who was on Soviet team and was defending the refinery :v

  5. Hmm, did you try this more than once? Could be it was just that one instance where the Mammoth was slightly bugged. Also, the Mammoth is supposed to hover off the ground a little bit...looks weird, but supposedly this was the only way to correct some collision issues or something.

  6. It is, in fact, an old Soviet tactical marking used on tanks. Personally I like historic details like this and would like to see this more often.


    Hrm so I just did a quick google search for soviet+tank+white+arrow and came up with this, http://wio.ru/tank/oz/oz-en.htm. Surprisingly, this page gave me our familiar insignia, but the words "white" and "arrow" exist on the page referring to completely unrelated things.


    So I guess the insignia is limited to that one particular brigade during that time period? I didn't find much more in the way of results...does the person who added it to the Mammoth Tank have any more info on this?

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