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Posts posted by delta

  1. What was that nonsense you were saying a while ago about not being able to run Company of Heroes? You clearly have a better computer than I do.



    Also, didn't even notice we lost barracks there at the end. Soviets finally managed to assemble a pretty formidable tank army at the end there just as our Rangers hit them...but I didn't think any of them made it to our base.

  2. Okay so I finished watching it. I dunno, just didn't feel like a Star Wars film. I think the prequels, in spite of their awful script and dialogue, at least got the look and feel of Star Wars more or less right. Force Awakens felt more like some fan creation...like Star Wars with some Firefly or some other space opera mixed in. On the other hand, I didn't hate the characters nearly as much as I thought I would from what I saw in the trailers. Well, except for Poe...that guy was annoying, lol.

  3. So...I just checked out this "Force Awakens" movie from my local library. A bit of dread, because I thoroughly hated the look and feel of the trailers, was pissed off about the Expanded Universe reboot, and thought that a sequel to the originals was completely unnecessary...which is why I've delayed seeing this for so long. A bit of excitement, which surprised me...I guess it's Star Wars after all. Now I'm reading the opening crawl and it's back to dread again...

  4. Back in maybe 5th or 6th grade, I would hear a bunch of other kids talking about a game called "Red Alert" (you know, back when we didn't have to append a number to the end of the title). I had also seen this game on the shelves in computer stores, with the Hind shooting the Heavy tank on the green NVG scope...but didn't think too much about it for a good while. Anyway, my classmates were just talking about the game, how someone killed a cruiser with something called a "shock trooper", and was quoting his "extra crispy!" line. Eventually I got interested enough and got my parents to buy me the game.


    This was also when the internet was starting to get going, so obviously I went online and spent some time looking up stuff related to Red Alert...the one site I remember browsing quite a bit was "IncREDible Alert" which doesn't exist anymore but I still recall as being quite pretty. I eventually discovered the original Command and Conquer and the upcoming "Tiberian Sun", and the rest is pretty much history. I wasn't really active in the community or anything, and eventually I reduced my C&C browsing to just checking one site, PlanetCNC, once in a while when I was bored...but yeah from there I discovered this mod called "Renegade Alert".

  5. [13:58:20] delta: best minesweeping tool is tank treads

    [13:58:27] Voe: yes delta

    [13:58:28] Voe: but no


    Who you gonna listen to, me or that dastardly Voe?

  6. Well yeah, I use engineer to clear mines when possible. What I'm talking about here is for all those times when you're not an engineer, then the issue I mentioned comes up.


    My point is, if mines are intended to be fully invisible, then they should be always fully invisible. If I step on an invisible mine, and I know that there was no way I could have seen that mine, then that's okay because at least I know the game is operating according to a consistent rule. But if I step on an unseen mine knowing that the game allows me to see mines half the time...well then that rather ticks me off.

  7. The thing that bugs me about mines is that it seems rather inconsistent whether you can see them or not when you get up close to them. Sometimes I'll see the faint shimmer, other times they'll be utterly invisible. It just creates a whole lot of uncertainty..."Should I go? Should I not go? Should I risk it or take a different path?" You never know until you walk over the spot and find out the hard way whether you blow up or not.


    If mines are supposed to be completely invisible, then the faint shimmer should never show up, otherwise you create this expectation where someone goes "ah-ha, no shimmer...it must be safe!" and then *kaboom*.

  8. Another weird thing I just saw. Played a skirmish versus an AI, and launched a GPS satellite as Allies. Usually when it reaches the top of the map you hear that flamethrower sound...never thought much about it, but this time when it happened I saw an enemy power plant placed at the very top left of the map get damaged by about 60%. There were no other AI players on the map, and nothing that could have damaged it...so I guess launching a GPS somehow counts as a weak superweapon attack on that top left cell?


    Also, I've been seeing the AI getting tech center units more often as well...flamethrowers, Mammoth Tanks, and once even a Chronotank.

  9. it's a lag issue, the game thinks you're further away from the terminal than you are for a few ticks, or a few of your ammo ticks just "miss" somehow.

    I figured it might have to do with lag, but I try to compensate for it by standing perfectly still for a second or two before attempting to capture it, and it still happens. And I'm pretty sure it shouldn't be missing the target, what with it being an AOE effect and all.

  10. Speaking of capturing, I find that sometimes the amount of golden wrench needed to capture oil pumps seems kinda inconsistent. Oftentimes I'll go for the one up on the hill, and use maybe 47 GW to capture it...then I go to the one in middle and that takes up all the rest of my GW and still doesn't get captured. Or vice versa, the one in middle takes 47 and then somehow i don't have enough to take the one on hill.

  11. 2.) River raid: the main issue with this is that allied arty gathers on their side of the broken bridge, and if you say want to flank them RPG ranger style, that areas covered by the pillbox; please move it back or switch base positions. I guessing the former is easier.

    My usual way of dealing with this is to take a Heavy Tank and park on the Soviet side of the broken bridge, and from there I can hit the Artillery. It seems to work, most of the time.


    Also does anyone care to share how to summon the kov/borg on FOI?

    In the forest, run through the campfire to get a fireproof vest. In the cemetery, take a look around and there's a hole in the ground with a ladder...go down, and there's a medic's healing kit next to the Chronosphere. In the garden, go to the northeast corner and there's a way through one of the fences where you'll see four square rock things...approach one of them and it'll open up, go down, and find a heart container. Once all three cursed trinkets have been picked up (doesn't have to be by the same person or the same team) the Cyborg Commando spawns.

  12. Did we have a Reborn map named Siege or something? The one with the Nod base inside of a cave and the GDI base on top of it, and I think two entrances per base? It was all weird because you'd be sitting in your own base and there'd be enemies all over the radar because the enemy base is right on top of or below you. Whatever happened to it?

  13. I've added a link in the OP to an album of Red Alert 1 map screenshots; this should be a handy reference for anyone wanting to recreate maps from RA1.

    Oh hey that's pretty interesting and handy. I've been playing a bunch of skirmish games out of boredom and checking out a bunch of the maps I never touched...although there's no way I'd get through them all. But now, I have previews!


    Funnily enough, I played through a game on Camos Canyon just earlier today before looking at this topic. I fired up my GPS satellite, took a look around, and thought to myself "there's nothing here that looks much like the map in APB". Then of course I come in here, see you saying the same thing and with that screenshot there, and now I've got a sense of deja vu...

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