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Posts posted by delta

  1. I can't seem to complete the updating process. The files seem to download all fine, but when it comes to installing, the status on always.patch. turns to "Failed" after about a minute. I think I had a similar issue with the last patch as well, but I was able to get it to work eventually just by repeating the update over and over until it eventually worked...but no luck with doing that this time so far.

  2. I agree with this. I always confuse what it means. Is it north = forwards or north as the direction?

    I'm sure it means the compass direction. The thing is, "enemy forces" tells you nothing about the composition of those forces. And also, I never memorize the compass directions on any given map...I think it's just much easier to say "bar side" or "ref side" or "left/right" with the assumption that "front" is pointing towards enemy base.

  3. Anyways, my post still stands. Towards any kind of late game, most players would rather have a Mechanic in their vehicle. Most people would probably be saving credits for vehicles also, or just buy a Rocket Soldier that can actually make a difference when the other team has a bunch of vehicles. I'm just saying :v


    I remember I would sometimes get a medic and Medium Tank so I could jump out to heal friendly Tanyas, with the idea being that the Tanyas would protect our tanks and artillery from Shockies and Volkovs, while our entire mutually supporting group blockaded the Soviet base and tried to blast our way in (the map being Fjord). Of course, this was dependent on teammates actually getting Tanyas to begin with...


    Medic was also useful (probably still is) on AS_Seamist where you could hang out on the hill and help keep the friendly infantry alive.

  4. Honestly, did anyone ever really use Medics in RA besides missions that started you with them? I remember never wasting my time with them much at all. Same for online play also.

    I always had tons of money and I didn't like to see my units die, so I would get medics. I haven't played online, but I would think that would be a different story =P

  5. Regarding Rocket Soldiers being unavailable with a dead Barracks...well, we've had that before in Beta haven't we? I'm not so sure about this, because if there's four Mammoths bearing down on your base and you don't have Barracks, that means the only thing you've got to fight them with are vehicles out of your War Factory...vehicles which are slow to build and will be melted quickly by the Mammoths and the Volkovs inside them. If we think the Rocket Soldier is too good at what it does, then maybe just increase its cost to say, 500-600?

  6. Also, am I the only one that sees the Depth Charge change being horrible? The ships can hardly turn anymore as it is, and now I need to keep a Sub behind me to even hit it? The turn rate seems horrible also.

    Isn't using the Gunboat's cannon against subs basically the same as how the old depth charge launcher worked? So even if the new depth charge sucks, you've still got the equivalent of the old weapon.

  7. IFTX, T1B, T2B, T3B = HMRL

    Tick Tank = T4B

    Tiberium = some sorta crystal stuff, I don't know, whatever the heck Star Wars stuff runs on.

    I think the T2B and T4B look really ugly, and I'd rather they just be forgotten about...


    As for a Tiberium replacement, well "minerals" or "ore" would probably do just fine.

  8. That's only because their devs were smart enough to enable them through launchers and whatnot. Usually, this is not the case and most will clash with each other.


    Damn, doesn't look like Cold War Crisis is compatible with Tiberian Dawn Redux. Ughh...do not want to uninstall...

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